15 Teacher Groups to Join Today


I am always spending too much time on social media talking to, listening to, and watching other teachers! But, let me tell you, it is definitely for all the right reasons! Like many of you, I have my core besties to discuss teaching with and get advice from EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

But, I started finding I was getting the same ideas, the same direction, and the same resources from a tiny circle of other teachers. Have you ever felt the same? So, I have sought out teacher groups for the last few years, and I came across some GOOD ONES! I have found 15 Teacher Groups that you will want to join TODAY!

1 – Education to the Core

So please go like and follow our centerpiece page on Facebook: Education to the Core! You will receive some of the best advice, funniest (but accurate) teacher memes, and most on-target resources coming into your newsfeed. The conversations in the comments sometimes are enough to keep me hooked!

Our founder, Emily Garcia, has launched 3 Facebook groups from her trailblazing page. Although the Fearless Firsties group was the first and remains the biggest, ETTC has some fantastic teachers asking the questions you are thinking in all three groups! We don’t shy away from some of the critical topics affecting teachers today, and we welcome respectful conversations on ALL things teaching!




2 – Teachers Ask Teachers

has over 180,000 members! Sprinkled with humor and sound advice, ask and answer all your questions. Although this group is not geared towards any specific grade, many members are early elementary teachers.


Close to My Heart Teacher Groups

3 – The Tutu Teacher (Page)

Diverse Reads for the Classroom (Group)

The Tutu Teacher is Vera Ahiyya. She says she is just ‘twirling her way’ through kindergarten as she shares her own experiences, diverse curriculum and books, and all things kinder on her TuTu Teacher page!

But, check out and join Diverse Reads for the Classroom, a group for ‘teachers to share ideas, resources, and titles to offer our students mirror and window experiences.’

4 – Elementary STEM Teachers with Carly and Adam

Carly and Adam link you up with all things STEM in this group! They created a group for K-5 teachers and homeschool teachers to make STEM accessible to all of our students. Carly and Adam also have a group that provides ongoing professional development: Elementary Stem Teachers Club.

Some Bonus Facebook Pages (Not Groups)

5, Clever Classroom

Clever Classroom posts teaching ideas and resources geared toward primary teachers. Tempered with humorous and inspiring memes, Clever Classroom has a blog, Facebook group, and a store.

6. The Brown Bag Teacher

Catherine Reed has packed her page with ideas, how-to videos, and classroom activities that teachers can do on a budget. Her busy schedule includes this page, items on TPT, a blog, and more! 

7. Mrs. D’s Corner

IN MY OPINION, Mrs. D’s Corner is the best teacher Facebook page for special education teachers. Mrs. D is a “Special education teacher who is passionate about making grade-level content functional, engaging, and meaningful for all students.”

And the Absolute Best Computer Click for All Your Resource Needs is . . .

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Join today for access to 1000’s on-demand resources from the world’s most trusted educators. Please choose from one of our three plans TODAY and stop the endless search for materials. We have ELA, Math, SEL, Grammar/Writing, Phonics, STEM, etc.

More Teacher Groups to Join

8 – The Primary Collaborative

Deanna and DeeDee are well-known names for their conferences, materials, and webinars. The group focuses mainly on their own created resources, but any questions for K/1 can come up in their group.

9 – Not So Wimpy 3rd Grade Teachers

Teachers of 3rd graders, this group is for YOU! I love listening to podcasts and watching webinars with the Not So Wimpy Teacher, Jamie Sears, at the helm. Jamie runs four Facebook groups, so if 3rd isn’t your jam, you are sure to find a group that fits!

10 – Fitness for Teachers

Who has time for fitness groups, right? What if I told you this group combines lesson plans and lunges. Teachers come together to share ideas, recipes, and support.

Additional Teacher Groups

11 – Bitmoji Craze for Educators!

When the virus hit and everything became virtual, Bitmoji classrooms ruled the education world. The members’ creativity and their gift of sharing their slides and creations with everyone hooked me! I go to this group for anything I may wish to teach and share with technology!

12 – Teacher’s Buy and Sell Group 

Do you have some teacher items to sell? Or, are you looking to buy? This buy and sell group for teachers has resources, books, decorations, and other classroom essentials!

13 – Teachers helping Teachers

is another group for teachers to help others connect with materials and resources. Cat Gonzalez adds that it is anything that can help teachers succeed!

A Few More Teacher Groups

14 – Kids’ art, craft and activity Ideas
“This group is run by Louise from www.messylittlemonster.com and is a place for parents, grandparents, teachers, childminders, and anybody else that works with or has children to find fun ideas.
We would love you to share your photos, videos, or instructions so others can see and be inspired by the fun things you get up to with the kids!”
15 – We are Teachers–First Years!

Teachers within their first few years of teaching love this group. Their intro gives a little reason why: “If YOU are in your first three years of teaching and some days, it’s amazing, and your students have lightbulb ?moments so bright you need shades ? and other days, and we mean, far too many other days, you want to cry ? in your beer ?…. we feel you.”

16 – Tejeda’s Tots Kindergarten & First Grade

This group was created by ‘Brenda Tejeda, for teachers, assistants, homeschool educators, retired teachers, and student teachers of kindergarten and first grade who want to collaborate, learn, laugh, and support one another.’

Bonus Ideas from Social Media

Follow Education to the Core on TikTok with Emily, Sarah, and Madison. See our resources in action, get to know some of Emily and her team, and get some tips and tricks!

Listen to our podcast Where the Primary Things Are hosted by Chris. A podcast where we strive to improve the lives of every primary educator and learner. Our goal is to provide top-notch resources created by our community of master teachers to help.


At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. And, we aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. Plus, we improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.

If you enjoyed what we have to offer at ETTC, be sure to join our email list so that you won’t miss a beat. Plus, we are here to help with all your resource needs. Become a Premium Member of Education to the Core and receive immediate access to thousands of printable activities. So, for a tiny monthly or annual fee, everything ETTC can be at your fingertips all of the time.


Welcome! I’m Emily, Founder of Education to the Core. We are all about helping K-2 teachers by providing unlimited access to affordable printables for every subject area.