The beginning of the school year comes with many tedious tasks–one of which is emergency sub plans. As teachers, we do our best to plan for the unexpected, but at what cost? Many teachers stress over emergency plans that end up collecting dust in the office, never to be used. Thankfully, the monotonous task of creating and compiling emergency sub plans just got a lot easier. Today, we are going to discuss 5 steps to stress-free emergency sub plans, with the use of Education to the Core’s new Emergency Sub Plans resource.
Step 1: Get a binder
For many years I’ve done an emergency sub folder and let’s face it–it’s time for an upgrade. In the event of an unexpected absence, the least I can do is have a sturdy, durable binder to host the thorough plans and procedures I’ve left. There is so much thought put into the plans, they deserve a proper home. I personally recommend a two-inch binder–here is a great one from Amazon that will do the trick! The important thing is that you find something that works best for you.
Step 2: Folder inserts
Now that we have the binder for our sub plans, we will need a great way to keep it organized. Paper clips and binder clips are great, but we can do better. Emergency sub plans that cover multiple days ought to be separated–and I have found a great way to keep them neat and tidy! I’ve discovered folders are a game changer for ultimate organization! Here’s an example of some plastic dividers that will give your sub plans the makeover they deserve.
Step 3: Purchase & Print
Organization has always been my strong suit, so putting together a sub folder has never been the difficult part. It’s writing out the detailed plans that drain me. Education to the Core’s Substitute Plans are about to save tired teachers an immense amount of time for the upcoming school year. Each grade level set (K-2) comes with five full days of plans for the beginning of the year topics such as math, writing, reading, science/social studies, and MORE! Not to mention editable templates for general information, where teachers can simply input classroom information and print! Check out this TikTok video to see how easy it is to put this binder together! ?
@educationtothecore Thank me later ? #educationtothecore #teachersoftiktok #teachersontiktok #tiktokteacher
Step 4: General Classroom Information
Lesson plans are a huge component of a sub binder, but there is more information you’ll need to share with your substitute. Bus information, class lists, seating charts, allergy lists, services–it can be overwhelming! Trying to gather all of that information can also be overwhelming–but not anymore! When you purchase your emergency sub plans from Education to the Core, you will receive an editable template for General Classroom Information. This template will allow you to easily input information such as student names, daily schedules, routines, etc. And because it’s editable, you can use it from year to year! Music to a teacher’s ears!
Step 5: Update your plans as needed
The hardest part about emergency sub plans is that we don’t know if we’ll ever use them. And if we end up needing to use them, we certainly won’t know at what point in the school year we’ll need them. Well, no more mindless hours trying to brainstorm and create developmentally appropriate lesson plans for the right time of year. Purchasing Education to the Core’s Emergency Sub Plans means access to the middle of the year AND end of the year plans as well! Simply swap out your plans as needed!
I know what you’re thinking. It can’t be that simple. But it really is! As teachers, we have far more to be worried about. Save your time and energy for the important stuff and let Education to the Core do the heavy lifting 😉
Written by – Sarah Poquette
At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.
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