The end of the year is oftentimes one of the busiest parts of the year for us. You would think things would slow down for a nice crawl towards the finish line…however we are currently in a mad dash to the end! We want to create lasting memories and keepsakes, keep those little hands busy, and continue to learn. What if I can tell you that we’ve come up with resources and ideas that take the majority of planning, preparation, and stress away?!? Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Let’s take a look at some of these amazing End of the Year Awards, End of the Year Memory Book, and more!
Teachers are creating learning opportunities that are fun, engaging, and hands-on. We have our students creating tangible items to take home with them over the summer to remember the year by. We continue to create memories up until the very last moments before they walk out of the classroom door into the summer. Here are some great end-of-the-year resources that will make the end of the year fun for you as well as your students!
What Are Education to the Core’s End of the Year Awards, Bookmarks, and Crowns?
The end of the year can be a stressful time. Final assessments, cleaning/packing up the classroom, creating end-of-the-year memorabilia, and so much more. With all that stress, I know one thing that always made me so mad. It usually involved some cursing as well as crumbling up the paper and throwing it out… WRITING THE WRONG NAME on an End of the Year Award!
Guess what?!? All that changed with ETTC’s End of the Year Awards!
Our End of the Year Awards are editable, making them really easy to create, print, and pass out. Type the name of each student next to the award you would like them to receive. The resource automatically enters the name onto that particular certificate, and all you have to do is click “print” and sign, creating a beautiful keepsake.
If certificates are not what you would like to give your students, you can also follow these steps to create crowns and/or bookmarks that your students can color before taking them home.
Let us help make your end-of-the-year ceremonies a breeze. One thing I absolutely love about this set is that it includes awards for academic purposes, but also social-emotional learning!
Some Editable Awards in this set include:
- Future First Grader
- Amazing Artist
- Future Second Grader
Wonderful Writer
- Future Third Grade
- Math Master
- Skilled Scientist
- Powerful Problem Solver
- Outstanding Organizer
- Imaginative Inventor
- Lovable Leader
- Astounding Attitude
- Talented Teacher’s Assistant
- Marvelous Manners
- Handwriting Hero
- Reaching for the Stars
- Total Team Player
- Terrifically Thankful
- Equity Enforcer
- Special Sport
- …and so much more!
What Are Education to the Core’s End of the Year Memory Book?
Before creating the awards, have your students make a memory book to celebrate all of the great moments you had together during the school year. This book can be used in any primary and elementary grade level, as we have covers for grades Kinder-5th.
With almost 30 different pages, you can easily choose which ones you would like to use to create your classroom-specific memory books. These books do take some time, so I recommend beginning this project a couple of weeks before the end of the year. And if you want to save paper, we also have this resource in digital format.
Some student pages in this Memory Book include:
- Subject Area Pages (Reading, Science, Writing, Math, and more)
- Specials Subjects (Physical Education, Music, Library, and more)
- Now and Then Pages
- Favorites (Examples: Field Trip, Special Event, Memories, and more)
- Feelings
- Classmates
- Autographs and Photos
- … and so many more!
How do End of the Year Awards and Memory Books Look in the Classroom?
End of the Year Awards is so simple to complete and print for your students. If you choose to have them take home bookmarks and/or crowns, you can type their names into the list, print out what you need, and then pass them out to your students to color. A great activity to work on when you have a little free time possibly due to an assembly that day, field trip, or canceled special.
The Memory Book on the other hand is going to take some time, so you will need to plan accordingly. I recommend choosing the pages you want your students to complete for their Memory Book and then deciding how many of those pages you have time to work on each day. Some of the pages can be completed quite quickly, while others will take more time. This is definitely a project you want to start a couple of weeks before the end of the school year.
Family Components
End of Year Awards and Memory Books are the perfect end to an amazing school year. Send the awards home laminated so parents can hang them on the wall. Your students can leave class on the last day proudly wearing their crown and with a personalized bookmark in hand for all of the reading they will do over the summer.
Your Memory Books will make a great end-of-year gift for students and their families. They are something that your students will cherish for years to come and can fondly look back on the memories.
End of the Year Activities
Remember how I was saying that I think the end of the year is part of the busiest times of the year? Here are some of the reasons why! We want to make the end of the year memorable for our students, so we jam-pack it with tons of fun activities, creating memories and creating tangible items to take home with them for the summer to remember the year by.
- Creating a Slideshow? We have song recommendations for you.
- Want to enjoy some other celebrations with your students before the school year ends? Read 13 Projects to Celebrate the End of the School Year for some great ideas!
- We also have some great End of the Year Review Games and Activities you can do with your students.
- Or maybe you want to sail into summer in an easy-breezy style. Try out some of these Teacher hacks for a stress-free end to the school year.
Other ETTC Resources That Pair Well with End of the Year Awards and Memory Book
Are you needing other End of the Year Activities for your students? We have more resources that will keep your students engaged to the very last day.
- Kindergarten Summer Review Packets
- First Grade Summer Review Packets
- Second Grade Summer Review Packets
- End of the Year STEM and STEAM Challenges, Games, and Activities
- Summer Color by Code for ELA and Math in grades Kinder – 3rd
We want your end of the year to be smooth and stress-free. Consider treating yourself to an Education to the Core Premium Membership for a job well done this year! You deserve it! End the year with access to thousands of resources. Easy, print, and go activities and worksheets. Download and print those you want, favorite and save those you want to keep for later. Perfect to grab a review for your students while you are printing off your End of the Year Awards!
Written By – Janessa Fletcher & Christopher Olson
At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.
If you enjoyed what we have to offer at ETTC, be sure to join our email list, so you won’t miss a beat. We are here to help with all your resource needs. Become a Premium Member of Education to the Core and receive immediate access to thousands of printable activities. For one small monthly or annual fee, everything ETTC can be at your fingertips all of the time.