“Never Have I Ever” ~ Teacher Edition


Raise your hand if you played “Never Have I Ever” as a kid… or as a teen. (okay… most likely after you turned 21 ?). We have put together 27 teacher scenarios that are sure to have you putting up fingers ? or taking sips?. (whichever way you like to play!) From technology malfunctions to classroom mishaps, how many of these have you done? Make sure to leave your number in the comments below!

1 – Never Have I Ever… Broken the Copy Machine

All you have is one page of morning work to copy for your class and are trying to get it done before the bell rings… but unfortunately, you click that green ? “print” button, a couple of copies come flying out, and you hear the awful “beep, beep, beep”. ? Game over… I don’t even take chances anymore in the morning. Paperless Morning Meeting slides for me (no copier necessary ?).

 2 – Had to Drink my Coffee Cold

☕️ I know that you all earned a point for this one! You have every intention of finishing that coffee before the day begins, and then the emails, copies, parent notes, etc. start, and the cup gets set to the side and ignored until maybe lunchtime. We even buy those fancy thermos mugs that are supposed to keep coffee warm (those mugs have nothing on us teachers and how long we need the coffee to stay warm ?).

3 – Never Have I Ever… Used a Permanent Marker on my White Board

? This one is the worst!!! I have to say that once I found Mr. Clean’s Magic Eraser I didn’t cry whenever this happened anymore. It’s the same on my student lap whiteboards. Have to love when a Sharpie has been tossed among the Expo markers.

4 – Worked On Lesson Plans during Professional Development

Be honest here… you’ve done it! It is so hard to sit through a PD on a Friday afternoon when you know that your list of a million and one things that need to be done in your classroom is waiting for you. So, why not bring your computer and do a little work. ? At least you are trying to hide it. I’ve seen teachers bring their lamination and sit in the back cutting it out during presentations.

5 – Gotten Really Excited over a new pack of Flair pens or Sharpies

It is my back-to-school treat to myself every year to grab a new set of Flair pens. And then I guard them with my life during the school year. LOL. What school supplies do you get super excited about receiving?

6 – Never Have I Ever… Spent a Ridiculous Amount of Money on my Classroom

Inevitably, we all tend to spend money at the beginning of the year on our classrooms. And most of us continue to do so throughout the school year. From classroom decor to supplies, center activities, treasure box items, etc. teachers are constantly purchasing things for their students. The next time you need resources for your classroom, use the coupon code FRIEND5 and save $5 off your purchase of $10 or more from the Education to the Core shop.  And grab all of the freebies that you need from our Resource Library.

7 – Lived on Coffee ☕️ and Chocolate ? for the Day

Those days… when you have a million and one things to do, so lunch is not in the cards. So bust out with the large thermos of coffee and your personal stash of chocolate in your desk drawer. Caffeine and sugar rush here I come!

8 – Spent my Sunday scrolling through Pinterest and TPT Looking for New Classroom Ideas/Resources

It is so easy to find a comfortable spot, grab your phone and start scrolling through your favorite teacher sellers and education boards. There are so many neat ideas out there just waiting for you to use in your classroom. Just remember… your room does not have to be “Pinterest perfect” for your students to learn and for you to be the amazing teacher that you are. ???

9 – Never Have I Ever… Lost a Gluestick Cap After an Art Project

Where do they go anyway? ? I swear that there is a mouse family ? somewhere in the school building that has a ginormous stash of gluestick caps in their closet! Students have definitely spent some time crawling around on the floor searching for the elusive orange caps. If you have a trick up your sleeve, please share in the comments below. ?

10 – Taken a Sick Day when I Wasn’t Actually Sick ?

Mental health days are a MUST in education. Sometimes we just need a day to unwind, clear our heads, and take a break from it all. Now, if only it was easier to prepare for a substitute… Well, in Education to the Core fashion, we strongly believe in that work-life balance and that taking care of you shouldn’t be so hard. Get ready for Emergency Sub Plans!!! ?

Our BRAND NEW Sub Plans resource contains an editable packet that you can use to suit your classroom needs. Along with 15 days of already prepared lesson plans and accompanying student worksheets. So go ahead and take that day without worry… you deserve it! ?

11 – Never Have I Ever… Started Counting Down the Days to Summer on Day 1 ?

Okay, let’s be honest, how many of you start counting back on the first day of school? Hey, it’s a great way for your students to learn to count backward right?! ? Counting down those days gives us something to look forward to, and most of you break it into smaller chunks. Like the number of days until Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break, and so on. So, right now how many days are left… 165! LOL

12 – Rushed down the Hall to Share the Latest Gossip with my Teacher Bestie

We love the support that teacher besties provide. They are there to lend an ear when we had a lesson plan that tanked, received an unpleasant email from a parent, or just had A DAY. We share complaints and successes and it is great to know that we “are not alone”.

13 – Had Someone Cover my Class While I went to the Bathroom

Prop the door open, poke your head out and let your teammate know that you’ve “got to go”. It is definitely one of the perks of having a teacher bestie. And, after teaching from home for the last year and a half, our bodies are not back on the “teaching in a classroom” bathroom schedule. ?‍♀️

14 – Never Have I Ever… Had a Student Throw up on Me

Thank goodness that I can honestly say that this has never happened to me! Phew! If you have experienced this, I am so, so, sorry. This is one of those things that teachers hope they don’t ever have to go through in their careers. But on the happenchance that it does, maybe a change of clothes in your closet might not be a bad idea.

15 – Found an Animal in a Student’s Backpack

Oh, the things that our students bring for Show and Tell. How many of you have heard a “meow” ? coming from under the desks? Or, watched as the front pocket of a bookbag squirmed ? and twitched? It’s always a lovely phone call that you have to make home and ask for someone to come and pick up the family pet. Just know that you are not alone. Check out all of the other wonderful things students have brought to school by reading this list. ?

16 – Had a Student Lick Items in the Classroom

Teachers have shared that they’ve had students lick everything from pencils, crayons, teachers’ shoes, visitors to the classroom, to even a toilet seat. ? Not quite sure what to say about this one, so on to the next…

 17 – Tied Wet Shoelaces ?

Why are they wet? Let’s hope that it was raining outside… ???

18 – Never Have I Ever… Had a Student Pee on the Playground or Leave a ? on the Carpet

Whether it is behind the slide, down the slide, next to a tree, on the swing, or right out in the middle of the field, those kids will do the darndest things. And they just don’t want to take the time to leave their fun game on the playground to go to the restroom. ? How many teachers do you know that have had a friend “go” in class and shake it down their pant leg?! Again… you’re lesson is so exciting to them that they just couldn’t take the time to grab the bathroom pass and go. ?‍♀️

19 – Had a Student Drop the “F” Bomb in Class

This one is hard not to cover your mouth and chuckle a little bit when it happens in class. The expressions on the other students’ faces are absolutely priceless! ?

20 – Had a Parent Yell at Me

This could be a face-to-face encounter, or through email. Those nasty email notes remind me of that “howler” Ron received in Harry Potter after taking his dad’s flying car and crashing it into the whomping willow. We can just hear the yelling and envision the steam coming out of the parent’s ears. Only thing is, that 9 times out of 10 they are mad and accusing without having the whole story…

21 – “Replied All” to an Email ? When I Shouldn’t Have

And isn’t it always the case that what we send in that reply definitely shouldn’t be seen by everyone’s eyes. If only they wouldn’t put the two buttons right next to each other…

On the flip side, it also gets under our skin when we have to sift through a bunch of “reply all” messages from other teachers just to make sure that we aren’t missing any important information between the lines.

23 – Never Have I Ever… Lost a Student on a Field Trip

This is a very scary one!! Whether a student gets lost accidentally in the crowd or purposefully hides while on the field trip, this event makes our stomachs drop. I hope that none of you had to get a point for this one.

24 – Fallen Asleep While my Class Watched a Video

Sometimes it is difficult to keep your eyes open. You’re tired from the long days of teaching, the lights are off, your swivel chair is nice and comfortable, and you are sitting at the back of the classroom so you can keep your eyes (if they’re still open) on all of your students. Now all you need is a neck pillow and some comfy socks.  ?

25 – Eaten School Lunch

Students have no problem diving right into what’s on their lunch trays, but to this day, I still wonder what exactly is in the “tuna melt surprise”.

26 – Had a Student Cut Their Hair or Clothing

Many a shirt, skirt, pants, and shorts have lost the battle with a young learner mastering cutting skills. And the worst… when you have to call home and explain that you are recommending a trip to the salon for a “fix it” haircut. ?‍♂️

27 – Never Have I Ever… Been in Lockdown Because of a Wild Animal

Bobcats, bears, opossums, raccoons, mountain lions want to learn at school too. Unfortunately, we can’t learn while they are on campus. LOL

How many points did you earn? I’m a solid 11. ? Share your “Never Have I Ever” points below and comment with your outrageous moment(s). We should definitely write a book with all of these stories and retire to a quiet beach somewhere. Thanks for sharing a few minutes with me and playing the game. Having humor helps to get through each day.


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