This is a printable unit for all things spring activities!
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Thank you for your interest in this product. You will find the activities listed in this pack below. Be sure to ask any questions you might have about this pack, and download the preview first before downloading.
Write the Alphabet
Common and Proper Nouns Cut and Paste
Nouns and Verbs Cut and Paste
Adjectives and Adverbs Cut and Paste
Spin and Record Short Vowels
Spin and Record Long Vowels
Spin and Record Digraphs
Spin and Record Inflectional Endings
Write the Room Addition to 10
Write the Room Addition to 20
Write the Room Subtraction from 10
Write the Room Subtraction from 20
Write the Room 3-D Shapes (Blackline and Color)
Write the Room 2-D Shapes (Blackline and Color)
Write the Room 10 Frame
Write the Room 20 Frame
Write the Room Spring Words
Spin and Tally to 5
Spin and Tally to 10
Skip Count by 2’s
Skip Count by 5’s
Skip Count by 10’s
Compare and Contrast Spring (2 Graphic Organizers)
Spring Facts (2 Graphic Organizers)
How to Grow a Flower Writing Activity
How to Have a Picnic Writing Activity
How to Blow Bubbles Writing Activity
How to __________________ Writing Activity Template
Number Bonds to 10 (x2)
Number Bonds to 20
Roll and Solve Addition (x2)
Roll and Solve Subtraction (x2)
Count and draw to 20 (x2)
Read and Illustrate (x2)
Ladybug Contractions (x2)
Read and Paste (x4)
Read and Graph (x3)
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