Teach with this printable Activity Mini-Unit to supplement your weather learning!
Included in this weather unit, you will find:
* Writing Activities: KWL, Seasonal Writing, Story Emulation Writing
* Vocabulary Activities: Weather Crossword, Weather Word Search, Weather Vocabulary recording sheet
* Vocabulary Cards: Display on wall, or use as a matching game. One set includes weather word and related picture, one set includes weather definitions.
Writing Book: Write about the weather for each day of the week. Includes a spot to write the high and low temperature for the day.
*Pop-Up Book Activity:
Completely original, and designed in a way that your kids will be able to assemble the book and reflect their knowledge of various weather conditions and write about it after they are finished. Pictures will help students to write about weather. You and/or the students choose the pictures, offered in both black and white and color. Students can then write about what they did and learned during their Weather Unit, or perhaps write a creative letter to take home to parents. How you use the book is entirely up to you! Students can write a story, or they can just write different words they know that relate to weather. Use it how you want it, and scaffold appropriately.One large weather image is fitted to go in the middle, and two smaller weather images go on the sides. Kids will love taking the stories home each day, or making a book. (Cover included)
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