CVC Short Vowel (5): At the Lab, Let’s Fix the Big Pit, The Hot Van, Mud Bug, The Sad Pet
Beginning and Ending Blends (6): The Skit, Trix is Glum, The Trip Club, I Am Lost!, Just Jump!, Pals That Plant
Double Consonants & S Spells /Z/ (2): A Big Mess, Find the Class
Digraphs & Nasal Blend (5): The Swim Shop, Math on the Path, Stuck in the Ditch, Fish Lunch, Sam Helps Chip
VCe & Open Syllables (5): Games at the Lake, The Hike, Kite Time, In the Band, A Cube Cake
Hard & Soft C & G (2): School Rules, Find the Shade
Word Endings (2): Dog Race, Jumping Contest
Vowel Teams (5): Don’t Eat Me!, Beach Day, Yellow Roses, Flying High, Hockey Time
R-Controlled Vowels (5): Under the Sea, Twirling and Swirling, Birtie’s Fear, Shark Family, What’s Fair?
Diphthongs & Other Vowels (5): A New House, Shoo!, A Better View, Boisie’s Day, Exploring the Outback
Schwa & Silent Letters (3): Emma’s Birthday Surprise, To the Circus, A Desert Trip
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