
Decodable Partner Plays | Science of Reading Reader’s Theater with Comprehension

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Look no further — this bundle of 45 Science of Reading Decodable Partner Plays and Reader’s Theater with Comprehension ticks all the boxes for both teachers and students!
Do you struggle trying to fit it all in throughout the day — and in a way that students enjoy? Mix up your phonics practice with these decodable partner plays are just what you need!
  • Engaging? ✔︎ Students love the style of these fresh, new decodable partner plays!
  • Comprehensive? ✔︎ These decodable partner plays hit all the major phonics skills, from CVC short vowels to silent letters!
  • Double-Duty? ✔︎ These decodable partner plays cover phonics, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary — all at once!
  • Text Your Students Can Actually Read? ✔︎ Yes, these decodable partner plays are completely decodable following the ETTC Scope and Sequence!
With phonics-based reader’s theater for grades K-2 that follow the ETTC Phonics Scope and Sequence, you can differentiate and match your students to just the skills they need with a simple push of a button.
The animal characters in our science of reading-aligned partner plays not only engage your students, but some of them are based on facts about the animals. Other focus on a lesson students benefit from learning. Students practice phonics skills while learning about animals or a lesson…and we know they love learning about animals!
Whether you choose to use these decodable partner plays in small group by following our teacher recommendations, in centers for a predictable routine, or as an early finisher or extra practice activity, they are a sure win for all. And if you need something to fit the bill for a classroom performance, these are just what you need.
You can rest easy knowing the science of reading-aligned decodable partner plays not only give students an opportunity to practice phonics skills, they will also practice fluency, incorporate vocabulary, and include comprehension! And the bonus? They improve social skills!
Because of the format of reader’s theater, students must thoroughly understand the text to effectively present it using only their voices to convey meaning, giving them a real-life reason and purpose for comprehension!
There are no surprises here… If you follow the ETTC Decodable Readers Scope and Sequence, these partner plays are completely decodable! The decodable partner plays offer a wonderful opportunity to review each set of skills after teaching and learning each in detail.
What’s Included:
  • 45 Science of Reading-Aligned Decodable Phonics Partner Plays in both color and black and white versions, 1-3 page scripts for two people each, containing decodable dialogue
    • CVC Short Vowel (5): At the Lab, Let’s Fix the Big Pit, The Hot Van, Mud Bug, The Sad Pet
    • Beginning and Ending Blends (6): The Skit, Trix is Glum, The Trip Club, I Am Lost!, Just Jump!, Pals That Plant
    • Double Consonants & S Spells /Z/ (2): A Big Mess, Find the Class
    • Digraphs & Nasal Blend (5): The Swim Shop, Math on the Path, Stuck in the Ditch, Fish Lunch, Sam Helps Chip
    • VCe & Open Syllables (5): Games at the Lake, The Hike, Kite Time, In the Band, A Cube Cake
    • Hard & Soft C & G (2): School Rules, Find the Shade
    • Word Endings (2): Dog Race, Jumping Contest
    • Vowel Teams (5): Don’t Eat Me!, Beach Day, Yellow Roses, Flying High, Hockey Time
    • R-Controlled Vowels (5): Under the Sea, Twirling and Swirling, Birtie’s Fear, Shark Family, What’s Fair?
    • Diphthongs & Other Vowels (5): A New House, Shoo!, A Better View, Boisie’s Day, Exploring the Outback
    • Schwa & Silent Letters (3): Emma’s Birthday Surprise, To the Circus, A Desert Trip
  • Character Props for each play with multiple options including character crowns and nametags
  • Word Lists to practice for each play that fit the phonics skill
  • Vocabulary and High-Frequency words for each text so all you have to do is print and go!
  • Comprehension for Each Play with Encoding, Decoding, and Comprehension Questions (multiple levels of questions) giving students an opportunity to write about reading
  • Many plays that teach a lesson or facts about animals
Why Partner Plays? What Does the Research Say?
The use of reader’s theater has a statistically large positive impact on the improvement of students’ (both typical readers and readers with learning disabilities) reading skill — in:
  • decoding skills,
  • reading fluency,
  • prosody (patterns of stress and intonation in spoken language),
  • pronunciation, and
  • decreasing reading mistakes.
There was also a large positive impact on:
  • reading comprehension,
  • confidence in reading, and
  • student interest, enthusiasm, and motivation toward reading! (Mastrothanasis, Kladaki, & Andreou, 2023)
Like this resource? Check out the Decodable Readers Bundle, Beyond Phoincs: Decodable Comprehension, and Decodable Word Problems for Kindergarten, First Grade, or Second Grade!
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