Students… the real reason we get up each morning and go to school. They shine a light and make our days enjoyable and exciting. We are served with compliments, jokes, and blunt realities each day from their little mouths. Most days, we hear “Teacher, I love you.”, “You look so pretty today.”, and ” I love your shirt.” ❤️
But once in a while we get something funny, or what was meant to be a compliment, but came out totally different. Like… “Teacher, I love your painted toenails. I could play with them all day.” (As I think to myself… ‘no thank you’. ?) Comments like these were the inspiration for Students Say the Sweetest Things ❤️… Sometimes ?
One of my students brought me a wrapped with a bow bottle of wine. She came on the bus to school. She handed it to me and said, “My mom said you needed this!” I said,” You have a very smart Mom! I am so thankful for her!”❤️ ~ Laurie M.
“Did you take a shower today? You smell so good!” ~ Sara T.
I had a student tell me I was a queen and should be wearing a crown. So then he proceeded to make me a paper crown which I proudly wore. ~ Christie N.
Reading a story…feel a kid touch my leg..look down and he says “wow you have really nice veins”. ~ Lauren Y.
Your hair is beautiful! Whenever he had done something he shouldn’t. ~ Fran B.
A boy in foster care gifted me old pens, paper clips, post-it notes, and he also returned my tape dispenser (he had stolen that from me). He said to me “I stole these from mean teachers. You can have them, you are the best teacher I’ve ever had”. That night he ran away and was rehomed to a different city. ~ Marisol R.
IN MY FORTIES, yard duty on the primary side, and a group of sweet kindergarten girls were picking dandelions and making chains. One of these little princesses walked up to me with a smile… “Here, these are for you Old Man.”~ Jim G.
“I loved your eye shadow” when I was not wearing any and had dark circles around my eyes.. ~ Nimy S.
This one isn’t funny, but amazing. I have a student who is essentially echolalic. Yesterday we had a dance party during math. Right after she said, “awe Miller I love you.” I couldn’t believe it and I got all teary-eyed!~ Stephanie M.
Student looking at my name tag “that’s when you were beautiful” from a PreK student. ~ Justina S.
I looped up to the first grade with my K class one year. A particular student always complimented me on my perfume. One day I switched it up and wore one I hadn’t worn for several months. He gave me a hug, put his head on my shoulder, and whispered in my ear, “Teacher, you smell like kindergarten!” (He was right, it was the perfume I had worn almost daily when I taught him in K) ~ Ginger H.
I had just blown my nose really loudly. And one of my third graders looked at me, horrified. I said, “Sorry when I blow my nose I sound like an elephant.” His reply, “It’s like you have animal powers!” ~ Anna O.
“Miss, you are ROCKING that coat… We gotta do some’in’ ’bout those shoes though”
~ Emma G.

“Your skin is really stretchy” Kindergartener pulling my nylons during storytime
~ Karen B.

Not really a compliment but once a little kinder boy sitting right in front of me on the carpet at storytime said’ whoa! You need to shave your legs!’ ~ Tina S.

Last week one of my kids asked me if back in my day I had to ride horses everywhere.
~ Peggy W.

You are as tan as a sausage.
~ Abby L.

Your voice is much nicer when you sing ? than when you talk. ~ Michele G.
Written by: Janessa Fletcher
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