Things NOT to Say to Teachers in December


Teachers are so stretched thin right now! Exhaustion has hit! But, other people don’t understand our struggle. Unless you’re a teacher (or married to one), you may not appreciate our drive to get to December and Winter Break! But, listen up! Everyone should know this list of things to NOT say to Teachers in December. Why not? Well, we are hanging on by threads and don’t wish to hear them! Our Fearless First Grade Teachers commented with this list of Things NOT to Say to Teachers in December,  and they are NOT wrong!

Things Admin Should Not Say to Teachers In December

–Let’s have another meeting. Two faculty meetings this month! And IEP meetings!

–I am here for your evaluation. Read this blog about what teachers should be evaluated on!

–You have two PD meetings on Saturdays in December. Or, I have a PD that I want you to view over break!

–Our first set of formals are next month. Or, the observation window opens in two weeks!

–The deadline to submit your report is Friday, December 17th.

–You’re fired!

–Surprise Observation! Or, can I observe you before vacation?

Things Said Anyway

–Are you all set for January? If not, check out our Premium Membership, where you can download unlimited resources for a small price each month!

–These National tests must be given over two days!

–Why is your data dropping this month?

–Just one more thing…

–We’ve canceled Specials.

–Do indoor recess today.


–You can do better.

–We canceled Christmas break.

–We’re doubling your after-school bus duty!

–This year, all Christmas parties must be on the last day.

–First off, I need you to ________(insert anything)!

Did Admin Really Say this to Teachers in December?

–Are your report cards done? Science fair project and report card comments are due December 17th.

–You are getting a new student TOMORROW!

–So that you know, the state will be coming for a visit! Or, the district is coming to do walkthroughs.

–We have teacher absences and no subs. So, we need to split classes.

–And, you are in charge of Christmas Parent Day.

–By the way, No Personal Time Off this month.

–You’re only doing one Christmas craft for them to take home? Others say: all you do is arts and crafts!

–Plus, you can catch up on your LETRS training during the holiday!

Things Others Should Not Say to Teachers!

–Full Moon!

–Self Care.

–Can you make my child a packet for them to do over break? You all know the packet! The one that never gets done and never comes back!

–You can’t complain about your pay when you get so much time off!

–Y’all don’t need a break. You have every weekend off and the summer!

–At least you have a paid vacation coming!

–You look so tired! Why are you so tired? You don’t have a reason to be tired!

–Must be nice having all that time off!

–Since you have so much time off, you can _______(insert anything)!

–The forecast for snow was wrong!

–Those littles are so much fun! You must play all day!

And the Absolute Best Responses

–Anything! Just don’t talk to us. We are trying to make it. It’s about survival in December!

–It’s survival of the fittest. We don’t want the small talk. We just wanna get OUT!

–Anything! Just don’t say ANYTHING to teachers in December!

Let this countdown to Winter Break BEGIN! With testing, take-home materials, report cards, a holiday program, and endless meetings, we ALL need others to realize that if they are not in our shoes, they should keep their lips zipped right now! We have full plates and headaches this month! We are taking no more requests! Please help us all survive until break!


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