10 Best Deals for Teacher Appreciation Week


Teacher Appreciation Week is here! We all know none of us are in this profession for all the recognition, fame, and glory that comes along with it, but it sure is nice to enjoy some fun freebies and discounts during Teacher Appreciation Week!

Before we jump into a list of discounts for teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week, there’s one deal that is so good it belongs all by itself.

Do not miss your chance to make the next year the easiest one yet. ETTC Premium has thousands of resources for all subjects in grades K-3rd. The best part is that more things are constantly being added to the membership every week. All the resources on the site are aligned to standards and are no-prep printables.

There’s even a Weekly Lesson Plannning Guide that links all the resources you can use from Premium week by week. When you join ETTC Premium you will not have to pay for individual resources or stress about last minute planning and prep. Give yourself the gift of peace and preparation this Teacher Appreciation Week. ETTC Premium is made by teachers for teachers so you know what you are getting is going to be just what you need for your classroom!

There’s only a few times during the year that ETTC Premium is on sale and Teacher Appreciation Week is one of those times! If there’s one deal that’s worth jumping on this week make sure it’s this one!

Here’s 10 of the best deals for Teacher Appreciation Week. Make sure you take advantage of all the savings. No one deserves it more! 

1. McDonald’s Teacher Deals

Last year McDonald’s gave teachers free drinks, iced tea, and coffee during teacher appreciation week! Let’s hope that deal is the same this year!

2. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf

Get any large drink for $5 if you have a valid teacher’s ID from May 6th to 15th.

3. Burger King Teacher Deals

Enjoy free fries with any purchase. Teachers and all other customers can indulge in this savory treat during Teacher Appreciation Week.

4. Buffalo Wild Wings

Teachers can get six boneless wings for $1 with the purchase of a burger! Invite a friend and share a yummy meal because that is definitely enough food for two hungry teachers.

5. Teacher Deals at Michael’s and JoAnn’s

All year-round teachers get 15% off all purchases at both Michael’s and JoAnn’s Craft Stores.

6. Bookmans and Barnes and Noble

Raise your hand if you love building your classroom library. Bookman’s and Barnes and Noble give teachers 20% off book purchases at their stores.

7. Adidas Teacher Deals

Teachers get a whopping 30% off online and in-store purchases and 20% off at factory outlet stores. Time to stock up on those comfy school shoes. 

8. Teacher Deals on Crocs

Get a great deal on Crocs for your weekends and after school shoes. Crocs offers educators 15% off full-priced items.

9. Chick Fil-A

Zip into the drive-thru and get your free chicken sandwich for a quick lunch. Or, get your dinner free one busy evening. 

10. Starbucks Teacher Deals

Show your teacher ID to instantly save 10% on your favorite drinks. You can grab a different one each day during Teacher Appreciation Week. 

Take this week to celebrate your fellow teachers, share these deals, and reflect on all the good you have done this year! You deserve to be appreciated all this week and every single day. You can count on all of us at Education to the Core to always be in your corner working to make your job as a teacher a little bit easier. The community of educators that we are all a part of is a special one and you are part of the reason why!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Written by: Andrea Gudmundson

At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.

If you enjoyed what we have to offer at ETTC, be sure to join our email list, so you won’t miss a beat. We are here to help with all your resource needs. Become a Premium Member of Education to the Core and receive immediate access to thousands of printable activities. For one small monthly or annual fee, everything ETTC can be at your fingertips all of the time.


Welcome! I’m Emily, Founder of Education to the Core. We are all about helping K-2 teachers by providing unlimited access to affordable printables for every subject area.