It’s that time again where we put together a list of books and crafts for you to share with your kiddos! Many of these books sit on my own shelf and we love to pull them out in the springtime. Others are new to me, and I can’t wait to add them to our collection.
10 Spring Books and Crafts for Kids
Singing in the Rain by Tim Hopgood
In this book, Spring calls in this classic Broadway number brought to life in a beautiful picture book―perfect for sharing! Jump in puddles, raise umbrellas, and dance with joy through the pages of this visual story. With colorful, springy scenes and familiar lyrics, this is a beautiful, gift-worthy, feel-good read-aloud.
ABC’s of Kindness by Samantha Berger
A diverse cast of children shows everyday acts of kindness and generosity through thoughtful and vibrant illustrations. Whether it be donating blankets to the animal shelter, helping with chores, or standing up for what’s right, this is the perfect book to spark conversations at home or in the classroom about the concepts of empathy and compassion.
Rainbow Blowers Craft
The first craft on our list, are these cute cardboard tube rainbow blowers that are colorful and fun. They are a wonderful spring craft to do with your kiddos! You can even incorporate them in a lesson about weather, colors, rainbows, and springtime! Not to mention they are just plain fun! You can learn how to make these by heading over to KidsCraftRoom Blog Here.
Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Jean Taft
In this book, the world is full of green—leaves and sprouts, growing vegetables, ripening fruit. But down in the dirt, there is a busy world of earthworms digging, snakes hunting, skunks burrowing, and all the other animals that make a garden their home. In this exuberant and lyrical book, discover the wonders that lie hidden between stalks, under the shade of leaves…and down in the dirt.
Hair Love by Matthew Cherry
I know this isn’t necessarily spring related, but this is our current favorite book in my house. Inspired by the short animation and turned into a kids book. My daughter struggles with her hair sometimes, and how she looks. So I bought her this book to show how special she is, and that she is beautiful. To encourage self-love and acceptance. This may not vibe with everyone, but it is currently one of our favorite books, so I had to add it in here 🙂 Just in case there is a little girl in your life who needs encouragement.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book and Craft
This was a classic book to read in the springtime growing up, and a favorite in my house. My kids love Eric Carle books because they are colorful, interesting, and just fun to read! But what makes it even better is doing a craft to go along with the books! Head on over to ACraftyLife Bog here to learn how to make your very own hungry caterpillar!
Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by Kenard Pak
As we transition from winter to spring the days stretch longer, animals creep out from their warm dens, and green begins to grow again, everyone knows―spring is on its way! In a series of conversations with everything from the melting brook to chirping birds, they say goodbye to winter and welcome the lushness of spring.
Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You by Sonia Sotomayor
Feeling different, especially as a kid, can be tough. But in the same way that different types of plants and flowers make a garden more beautiful and enjoyable, different types of people make our world more vibrant and wonderful. Our world and country are going through changes, amazing changes, and I thought this was a beautiful book to help illustrate and encourage these changes. We are different but we are all so amazing and unique!
Sun Catcher Eggs
These Suncatcher Eggs come together quickly and are easy enough for the kids to do on their own. And can make a beautiful decoration for your classroom, or for them to enjoy at home. They are easy enough to do on their own with minimal supervision. You can download your free template and learn how to make this cute craft at Fun365 Blog here.
The HoneyBee by Kirsten Hall
This is a great book to introduce the importance of the honey bee in our ecosystem. We love this book, especially the beautiful artwork. You can Buzz from flower to flower with a sweet honeybee in this timely, clever, and breathtakingly gorgeous picture book from critically acclaimed author Kirsten Hall and award-winning illustrator Isabelle Arsenault. It is a must-have in our Spring book and Craft collection.
We are the Gardeners by Joanna Gaines
In the #1 New York Times bestseller We Are the Gardeners, Joanna Gaines and the kids chronicle the adventures of starting their own family garden. From their failed endeavors, obstacles to overcome (bunnies that eat everything), and all of the knowledge they gain along the way, the Gaines family shares how they learned to grow a happy, successful garden.
Planting a garden is my favorite thing to do with my kids in the spring. There is something magical about planting a seed and watching it grow into a beautiful flower or food we can eat. Highly recommend reading this book with your kids, and maybe incorporating it into a lesson about planting seeds, and the lifecycle of a plant!
DIY Birdhouse Craft
You all enjoyed the Bird Seed Ornaments in our winter books and crafts blog post so much! So I thought what better time than spring to put out some more birdhouses/feeders! This is a great way to recycle your milk/juice cartons, allow your kids to get colorful and creative, and also create a beautiful home for a feathered friend! You can learn how to make this cute craft at craftcreatecook blog here.
Worm Weather by Jean Taft
Join in the rainy-day fun, as kids splash through the puddles, affecting another weather enthusiast, a nearby worm. An imaginative and playful story, readers will love seeing the worm delight in the weather just as much as the kids. When I was a kid rainy days were one of my favorites, because it meant the ground was covered in WORMS! lol, It was one of my favorite things to play with and do on rainy days.
A Walk Through the Woods by Loise Greg
Take a quiet walk through the woods, where shadows fall in the darkness, eyes peeking out, and some animals sleep while others run and leap. Simple, poetic text and intricate papercut illustrations introduce children to a deer, black rook, fox, rabbit, and many more beautiful creatures as they wait for morning—and spring—to come.
I hope this list of 10 Great Spring Books and Crafts for Kids helps give you some ideas for your classroom. Or if your a homeschool parent like me, helps build up your home library, and introduces you to new fun hands-on learning. I love putting together these book and craft lists because I use them so much in my own homeschool lesson plan. It’s always nice to have a book list for the season under your belt for future planning.
If you have more great book and craft recommendations I would love to hear about them in the comments! And be sure to share this with your fellow teachers and homeschool communities 🙂
Written by: Brittany Coleman
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