One of the things I love to do as the seasons change is to get books inspired by that season. It’s a great way to share the season with your children in a way they understand. Not to mention they are great decor items for your home and classroom! Books are such a vital part of my educational tool kit because reading is so important to instill in our children. So I have put together a list of my 17 Favorite Fall Read-Alouds for Primary Students to get you started!
Book #1 ~ The Berenstain Bears’ Fall Family Fun
The Berenstain Bear books are a classic! They teach great morals, and they usually have one for just about anything!
Book #2 ~ Carmela Full of Wishes
When Carmela wakes up on her birthday, her wish has already come true–she’s finally old enough to join her big brother as he does the family errands. Together, they travel through their neighborhood, past the crowded bus stop, the fenced-off repair shop, and the panadería, until they arrive at the Laundromat, where Carmela finds a lone dandelion growing in the pavement. But before she can blow its white fluff away, her brother tells her she has to make a wish. If only she can think of just the right wish to make . . .
#3 ~ Leaves
This beautifully illustrated book shows the wonder of the changing of the seasons. That even though the leaves are falling, they will soon return in the springtime. Nothing is permanent, and change is a part of life.
Book #4 ~ We Gather Together: Celebrating the Harvest Season
The fall equinox doesn’t just mark the changing of the seasons, it also marks a time of harvest. This beautifully illustrated book goes over how different cultures celebrate the autumn harvest season!
#5 ~ Seeds and Trees
This book is a great read to teach children the power of their words. How what they say can affect other’s feelings and emotions. We can spread words of positivity and encouragement, or we can spread words of negativity and pain.
#6 ~ The Girl Who Drank the Moon
One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. As Luna’s thirteenth birthday approaches, her magic begins to emerge—with dangerous consequences. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Deadly birds with uncertain intentions flock nearby. A volcano, quiet for centuries, rumbles just beneath the earth’s surface. And the woman with the Tiger’s heart is on the prowl . . .
Book #7 ~ Leaf Man
Fall has come, the wind is gusting, and Leaf Man is on the move. Is he drifting east, over the marsh and ducks and geese? Or is he heading west, above the orchards, prairie meadows, and spotted cows? No one’s quite sure, but this much is certain: A Leaf Man’s got to go where the wind blows.
#8 ~ Little Boo
The leaves fall, the wind blows, and one little pumpkin seed tries and tries to be scary. But he doesn’t scare anyone . . . not the snowflakes in winter, not the bees in spring, not even the watering can!
The wind tells him to be patient―he’ll be scary soon enough. But waiting is hard. Will the little seed ever be really, truly scary?
This simple story is more than a fun Halloween read―it is a heartwarming tale perfect for any child who can’t wait to grow up.
#9 ~ Hello Autumn!
A simple text and vivid photographs show children the changes in animals, plants, and landscapes that occur during fall. Leaves change, animals prepare for winter, and people celebrate autumn holidays as the weather gets cooler and the days get shorter.
Book #10 ~ Pete the Cat: Falling for Autumn
Pete the Cat isn’t sure about the changing of the seasons from summer to autumn. But when he discovers corn mazes, hay rides, and apple picking, Pete realizes there’s so much to enjoy and be thankful for about autumn.
#11 ~ Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn!
As trees sway in the cool breeze, blue jays head south, and leaves change their colors, everyone knows–autumn is on its way! Join a young girl as she takes a walk through forest and town, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with every flower and creature and gust of wind, she says good-bye to summer and welcomes autumn.
#12 ~ Hello, Fall!
A grandfather and his granddaughter welcome fall in this sweet, whimsical story about finding beauty and wonder in every moment.
Book #13 ~ The Runaway Pumpkin
Children will laugh as this gigantic pumpkin travels through the town, causing everything in its path to scatter.
#14 ~ The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything
This is a classic that I love reading to my students year after year.
#15 ~ How Do You Know It’s Fall?
Through vivid photos and engaging nonfiction text, this fun and fact-filled Rookie Read-About Science book answers the question, How do you know its fall? Covering everything from weather patterns to animal behaviors to seasonal activities, How Do You Know Its Fall? gives readers (Ages 6-7) an in-depth look at this season of change.
#16 ~ We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt
There are lots of beautiful fall leaves to find! Three friends have a big adventure hiking over a mountain and through a forest to collect leaves of all kinds and colors. What will they do with all their leaves at the end of the story? Jump and play in them, of course!
#17 ~ Leif and the Fall
The illustrations of this book are adorable, but the message is what makes this book a great read! Teaching children that there is no reason to fear failure, it is a part of life, one that can teach us all.
These Favorite Fall Read-Alouds for Primary Students are great to use in the classroom, or through distance learning when you are reading to the class. If you are looking for MORE reading materials (some your students can use to practice their fluency skills), check out our October and November Fluency Passages. We have 4 different sets (Practically First, First Grade, Second Grade, and Third Grade).
We would also LOVE to hear any favorite Fall Read-Alouds for Primary Students that you have in your classroom library. Please share the book titles in the comments below. ?
And as a final “THANK YOU!!”, we want to share our Fall Freebie Math and Literacy Packet with you! ?? Here is the link: Simply enter your name and email address and we will email the packet to you.
Written by: Brittany Coleman
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