19 Phonics Videos Your Students Will Love


Phonics videos are great to use in a variety of settings!  I use phonics videos to get my students started in the morning, during indoor recesses, brain breaks, 5 minute time gaps, and of course in reading block.  They are a great tool to get your students up and moving, while learning phonics skills.  Here are some of my favorites covering many of the phonics skills our students have to learn.

Compilation of Fun and Exciting Phonics Videos for your Primary Students

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Alphabet Videos

Watch as your students get down with MISTER B.  Each letter has its own dance moves as they learn letter names and sounds.  This video is one your students will be begging to do over and over again. LOL, especially when shared in a kindergarten classroom!

At the beginning of the school year, I play this video to help teach my students the letters of the alphabet.  It is the first phonics video they get addicted to.  And bonus… who doesn’t love Sesame Street?!

Have Fun Teaching videos are wonderful!  This one goes over the alphabet song, as well as letter sounds.  It also distinguishes between consonants and vowels.  This video is the first in a series of videos dedicated to each letter of the alphabet.  They are excellent to use with those students who are struggling to identify certain letters/sounds of the alphabet.

Each letter has a “magic egg” that opens to reveal an object beginning with that letter sound.  Students learn letter names and sounds in this phonics video.

Short and Long Vowel Sounds

From the creators of “Baby Shark”, this phonics video focuses on short vowel sounds.  Students are exposed to the names and sounds of the vowels, as well as CVC word families for each vowel.  All with the Pink Fong flair!

Pair this video with a small group literacy center where students can create long vowel words from CVC words by adding “magic/silent e”.  The video gives a bunch of illustrated examples taking short vowel words and adding “e” to create new long vowel words.  Get your “magic e star wands” ready!

Your students will practice the short and long sounds of each vowel with this phonics video.  The frogs go through each vowel, practicing both sounds and giving examples of words that begin with each.  It’s a great way to compare the two different sounds.

Jack Hartmann’s vowel sound workout gets your students up and moving as they learn the difference between short and long vowel sounds.  This phonics video is super interactive, while giving your students a workout.  Great to use for indoor recess and brain breaks!

Consonant Blends

This video focuses on “L Blends” and has a nice soothing beat your students will sway to while learning blends and words that begin with them.

Super short phonics video I use to get students thinking about “r blend” words, available on YouTube. We create a poster after, listing those words from the video as well as our own. It’s a great way to get their minds going at the beginning of a blends lesson!

Incorporate this mini-lesson phonics video into small groups when teaching the “s blends”.  Students are given words containing each of the 7 “s blends”.  Following word introduction are two quick games to allow them practice reading the words, and lastly, sentences with the words embedded to practice fluency.

Vowel Pairs/Dipthongs

This phonics video is longer (13 minutes), but it is excellent at teaching your students all of the vowel pairs and the long vowel sounds they say.  Encourage students to read the words before the narrator.  Use each part of this video as you teach long vowels and the vowel teams associated with them.

Abnormal vowel pairs are also included in this phonics video, such as “aw”, “ou”, and “ew”.  Students get to practice saying the sounds and reading words containing those dipthongs.


Your students will love the repetitive phrases throughout this phonics video.  They are taught what a digraph is, and then words that contain each digraph.  It even includes “gh” and “ng”, which many videos do not.

This phonics video is super basic, but quickly teaches your students all of the “h” digraphs. (sh, ch, th, ph, wh).  It also includes “wr” and “ck”.  Put the two letters together, practice the sound, and say a few words with each sound.  It is a great way to introduce and quickly practice digraphs!

R-Controlled Vowels

Sung to the tune of “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”, this phonics video focusing on r-controlled vowels is awesome!  Your kids will easily be able to follow along, practicing the sounds of ar, or, er, ir, ur, and learning some words that have those sounds as well.

Use this video to help your kids learn to read and recognize words with r-controlled vowels.  They get to move around and practice reading at the same time.  Great for a quick “brain break”.

Word Families

Let your students rap along as they rhyme with word families.  I use this phonics video as a lead into working on word families.  Students create their own word family “rap” with 4 words and illustrations after watching the video.

My students love this phonics video!  I use it when we have an indoor recess, or a special is cancelled, because it is a little longer.  They are able to use whiteboards and markers to try and write CVC words, practice blending and reading CVC words, and finally work on reading short phrases.  It’s a lesson in itself!

A few more sites to check out…

I’ve included a couple of Jack Hartmann’s videos in this blog, but he has many, many more on a variety of school topics, not just phonics.  The nice thing about his videos is that most include some sort of movement for the students, so I like using them for quick “brain breaks”.

FirstStepReading.com also has a multitude of phonics video lessons.  Use these to help your lower level learners during small group centers time if they are unable to complete some of your centers due to difficulty. Just start a phonics lesson video on the computer or iPad and let them learn at their pace.

-Written by Janessa Fletcher

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