20 April Activities for Primary Students


Spring is in full swing! These April activities will keep your students engaged and learning this season. Earth Day, plants, crawling critters, and spring weather are just a few of the exciting things to incorporate into your lessons during this time of the year.

April has so many exciting things happening during the month. We celebrate Earth Day, learn about life cycles, plants, and weather. It’s a time when we need review and quiet activities for testing… Now before you go running to a teacher resource website and start filling your cart with bundle after bundle, consider taking a look at Education to the Core Premium. We have all of your April activities for the entire year ready to roll into your lesson plans. Click the button to start browsing all of our April printables and more! 

April Activity 1. Color by Sight Word

Sight words are important for students to learn so they can instantly recognize them in text. Knowing sight words fluently allows students to free up their cognitive resources so they can decode other words. Earth Day Color by Sight Word is a great April activity to incorporate Earth Day into sight word work. Color by sight words not only builds student sight word fluency but strengthens fine motor and concentration skills too.


Activity 2. Ordinal Numbers

When students understand ordinal numbers, they can explain the position of objects. This is an important part of their math vocabulary, but it can be a difficult concept for young learners to grasp. Caterpillar Ordinal Numbers is a bright and fun way for students to practice ordinal numbers this month!


Activity 3. Fact or Opinion

Get your students thinking with a fact or opinion activity! The April Fact or Opinion activity is an engaging way to start discussions, build conversation skills, and encourage students to think about the difference between fact and opinion. Use this April activity as a way to introduce other concepts you might be discussing this month, such as Earth Day, recycling, animals, or the weather.


April Activity 4. Spring Mini Book

What will you do this spring? Ask your students this question, and they will love to share all of the fun outdoor activities they have planned for this warm season! The Spring Mini Book is a great introduction to this discussion and gets students thinking about what we do in the spring.


Activity 5. Earth Day Graphing

Teaching students graphing allows them to organize data in a way they can see and easily analyze. The Earth Day Graph is a great way to incorporate Earth Day into some of your math activities. Encourage students to think about and compare the information from the graph.


Activity 6. Plant Life Cycle

With the season of spring, comes lessons about plants! The Plant Life Cycle activity gives students a simple and easy way to understand and visualize how plants grow.


April Activity 7. Roll a Story

Teaching students story elements such as character and setting builds their literacy and comprehension skills. Roll a Spring Story is a fun way for them to create and write a story of their own using these story elements.


Activity 8. Long Vowel Activity

Students help the bunny find his basket in this adorable hidden path activity. Reinforce long vowel sounds with the Find the Path activity.


Activity 9. Earth Day Story Writing

Students use picture clues to finish a story with this Earth Day Story Writing activity. This is a great activity to review the beginning, middle, and end of a story. This activity can also be used as a starting point for a more detailed story. Encourage your students to add details, determine a setting where the story might happen, and identify the character in the story.


April Activity 10. Earth Day Sort

Sorting activities help students build memory and problem-solving skills while also improving executive functioning skills. As you talk about Earth Day this month, the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Sort is a fun April activity for your students to cut, sort, and glue. Use this activity to start discussions about how students can help take care of the Earth.


Activity 11. Survey, Tally, and Graph

Students love to talk and share ideas! This Survey, Tally, and Graph activity gives students the opportunity to build their communication skills, while also collecting data. Your class will be excited to get up, move around and survey their classmates. As students collect and record their data, encourage them to compare and contrast the information they collect.


Activity 12. Two-Digit Addition

Students strengthen their knowledge of addition and place value when adding two-digit numbers. As students build their mathematical understanding, this Adding Two-Digit Numbers activity is a fun way for them to practice their addition skills! Include this in a center or put it in a dry-erase sleeve so that students can play this addition game more than once.


April Activity 13. Long Vowel Sort

As students learn the vowel teams, they are able to read and decode words. Completing this Letter o Sort encourages students to think about, read, and sort each vowel team. This is a great April activity to include during small group time to ensure that students understand vowel teams.


Activity 14. Main Idea and Key Details

Teaching students story concepts such as the main idea and key details helps build their literacy and comprehension skills. Completing the Main Idea and Key Details: Frogs activity is a great way to incorporate spring animals into literacy lessons. As students complete the graphic organizer, they are able to visualize these important story elements.


Activity 15. Listen and Color

Spring fever is here and that means it can be difficult to keep students’ attention! This April Listen and Color activity is a great way to build students’ listening, fine motor, and language skills this month. Students complete each task while listening to the verbal directions.


April Activity 16. Number Line Addition

Number lines are important because they help build solid number sense for students and give students a mental strategy for addition. The spring Open Number Line Addition provides students with practice using an open number line to complete addition problems.


Activity 17. Earth Day STEAM

This Earth Day STEAM activity provides students with an idea of how they can help take care of the Earth. As you celebrate Earth Day with your students, incorporating read-alouds and hands-on activities is a great way to keep them engaged and learning!


Activity 18. Earth Day Poster

Encourage creativity and problem-solving skills with the Earth Day Poster Project. Students organize their thoughts to create a persuasive poster about helping the Earth. Having students create and present their posters as a follow-up to this April activity is a great way to build communication and speaking skills.


April Activity 19. Blends

Reviewing and incorporating hands-on phonics activities into your daily instruction helps students build their reading skills. As students learn to decode words, it is important that they are able to hear and identify various blends. This Cut and Match Blends activity provides encourages students to identify the beginning blend of each word.


Activity 20. Poetry

April is National Poetry Month, making this a great time to incorporate poetry into your lessons! The Poetry Read Aloud Response activity encourages students to listen and respond to various poetry. This April activity is great to add to a center and discuss in a whole group this month. Students can compare and contrast the poetry with their classmates.


These April activities for primary students are the perfect solution to use for teaching new concepts, continued practice, review, assessment, or homework. Use them in a way that works best for your students.

Check out the complete assortment of February activities included in each grade-level packet. 

    At ETTC, our goal is to support you every step of the way, all year long. That is why our resources don’t stop here.

    You can continue to find monthly activities for the remainder of the year with our monthly packets for every single month. Monthly packets are available by the month or in Year Long Bundles

      Written By: Sarah Cason

      At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.

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