Individual centers are nothing new…whether pre/post-COVID or in the thick of it, I use them with my students. Center learning has always been my jam. I feel like it gives me the best option for meeting their individual needs while in a class of 25 or so kids. Yes, we all do the small group lesson that is aligned to the standards, but in reality, there is such a huge range of abilities and interests in the younger grades!
Individual centers allow me to group kids together for different reasons and pull them to work with me, while they’re all busily working away on things just at the cusp of their learning edge in those core learning areas of literacy and math. It is one of my favorite times of the day, so we’ve gathered our favorites to share with you! Without further delay… Our favorite 32 no prep activities perfect for individual centers!
Sight Words, Phonics, Grammar, and Spelling
1. Editable Spelling Activities for Any Word List
This is one of my favorites, especially after a recent update! Now totaling over 60 activities for lists of 10, 12, or 15 words, you type the list you need once (and individually for three sheets due to font requirements) and get a massive number of engaging activities for students. I used to sit and handwrite out sheets for each week…now, I’ve typed my lists in for each week, saved them individually, and can just find that file, print, and go! And for all of you with individual spelling lists, differentiation is a breeze. I love the options for game-based and multisensory approaches including Battleship, tic-tac-toe, play dough, building blocks, sign language, and stamps, but with the number of options included, everyone is sure to find something to love.
2. Phonics Booklets
Phonics Booklets really cover all the skills so I don’t have to worry about missing something and have everything you need for each on one double-sided page. These phonics booklets come with over 200 pages of activities, each skill including rainbow writing, a phonics-based passage with smiles to color each time you read it, multiple-choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions, find/write/color, write a sentence, and a family connection! After doing a few of these as a class, my students know what to do and I can put these in their independent center work.
3. Sight Word Booklets
100 sight word booklets with a sight word passage option for the first Fry 100 words? Yes, please! Not only can I differentiate based on my students (booklet or passage), I can use the booklet early on and the passage later in the year to spiral back for extra practice! These booklets each focus on one word to trace, color, and highlight with picture clues and cues to ensure independence. The booklets include a visualization portion and the passages include a coloring portion – both key skills for our young learners.
4. Sight Word Passages
If you’re looking to shake up your sight word practice a bit, Sight Word Passages are just what you need. I love how these have multiple focus words per passage, so the kids are seeing them more in context as well as having multiple opportunities to practice each word. Even better, they’re practicing fluency while they’re working on their sight words AND there are comprehension questions included (2 multiple-choice, 2 fill in the blank). The set comes with 81 passages, and each passage has 4 sight words included. The kids love using highlighters and I love that they’re engaged and learning. It is also available in a digital version.
5. Directed Drawings
This is the perfect center for content area alignment and reluctant writers (and could easily fit under the ‘writing’ heading as well). This bundle has 100 items that fit into five themes (food, things, ocean, animals, tiny animals – insects and more). You can choose to use just the front side with the six-step drawing, space to draw, and a spot for a descriptive sentence or you can extend the learning to include the second page which has a spot to write the word, a correlating phonics or grammar activity, correlating vocabulary (verbs and nouns), and a spot to write a story about the item. Drawing ✔ Phonics/Grammar ✔ Writing ✔ Happy students ✔
6. Digital Word Cards
If you teach Kindergarten or First Grade, you need this one, especially this year! I love the simplicity of the task – look at the picture, use the letters to drag, and make the word. It isn’t overwhelming for young or reluctant learners and gets at important phonics skills like words with blends, digraphs, r-controlled vowels, long vowels, and CVC words. When you add them all together, you have almost 550 practice cards! A truly no-prep center activity, this one also saves paper (which I love if you know me at all!).
7. Sight Word Printables
Repeated exposure to sight words is crucial. This bundle includes the first 300 Fry words and is simply print and go for you. Each page has one word and includes seven different activities for that word: find it and circle it, write it neatly, write it in the boxes, draw it, syllable counting, fill in the blank, and use it in a sentence. None of the activities take too long which is a bonus for my kids who struggle with maintaining attention. This one is easy for the kids to pick up on the ‘how-to’ so they’re independent with it really quickly!
8. No Prep Word Work
Similar to #7, this is a pretty self-explanatory activity after you do one or two together, but instead of addressing sight words, the phonics skills are addressed here! You just print and go with this one and can feel confident that you’ve covered what you need to for the majority of first-grade phonics skills – including digraphs, blends, word families, long vowels, and more. Each skill has two pages (two pages of -am, two pages of -sh, etc.) and each page includes rainbow writing, letterboxes, writing practice, spin and write, and draw and label – enough to keep my kids focused, but with the repetition of structure so they can be totally independent!
9. Poppin’ Sight Word Bubbles – Paper and Digital Center
When I think of no-prep activities perfect for individual centers, digital has to make an appearance. A number of ETTC’s activities are available in both paper and digital versions, including Poppin’ Sight Word Bubbles. The paper version is great because the kids love using bingo daubers and the digital version is great because, well, teaching in-person and virtually at the same time (don’t get me started on that one!). You get 300 pages covering all of Fry’s first 300 words. This is one of the abundant sight word activities that students and I love from ETTC!
10. Sight Word Sentence Coding Mats
Kids LOVE to figure out secret codes…and let’s be honest, it is fun for adults, too! These Sight Word Sentence Coding Mats come with thirty different mats, three coded sentences with sight words in them on each mat. The sentences are decodable so they can be independently read when students figure out the coded message. Not only are students getting sight word practice in a highly engaging manner, but they’re also practicing reading, handwriting, sentence structure, and more. Your students will LOVE these!
11. Sight Word Menus (1-300)
Student choice is where it’s at – especially for reluctant learners. This hidden gem is exactly what you need for your students to be able to engage not only in student choice but also in a variety of fine motor activities which our young learners so desperately need more work with, all while learning sight words. Students can select from these activities, included in the menu: pattern blocks, building blocks, pom poms, choice manipulative, dab dots, play dough, letter magnets, and letter tiles. To save paper, you can print these on cardstock and laminate for repeated use!
12. Sign Language Sight Word Digital Activities
Last year, I had a few kids who really needed alphabet ID work at the beginning of the year, but also had kids who were reading at a second-grade level already…We incorporated a sign language alphabet song into our morning meeting and everyone was engaged, everyone was learning – albeit different things… I just love this one for so many reasons. While this digital center isn’t going to make you fluent in ASL, it is a great start to inclusion and an easy way to expose your students to ASL as well as an engaging way to practice sight words! Also, it is totally no-prep because it is digital. ?
13. Digital Syllable Activities
Another truly no prep activity perfect for individual centers, Digital Syllable Activities helps those students who struggle with breaking words apart into smaller chunks, an essential skill for learning to read longer words. Students will be able to identify what kind of syllable (100 words), how many syllables (72 cards), and complete syllable puzzles (40 puzzles) in this digital activity. Mix up your syllable practice with these Digital Syllable Activities!
14. Digital Interactive Grammar Notebook
Whether in paper or digital, the Grammar Interactive Notebook is a stellar resource for grammar practice. Not only are students practicing grammar skills and content the first time, but they can also easily go back and reference different parts of the notebook, later on, to help brush up on things they may forget. Full of puzzles, interactive activities, and reference content, students are engaged and enjoy learning grammar with the interactive notebook (Yep! You read that correctly, they enjoy learning grammar!). The digital version saves paper and time as well as lost pieces, but I still love the paper version. The good news is, the choice is yours since you get both versions!
15. Phonics Based Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions
These fluency passages have the phonics skills you’d expect to cover in first grade but in fluency passage form. This is a great way for students to practice their new skills in context. Not only are students practicing fluency and phonics with these passages, but each passage also includes text-dependent and higher-level thinking questions. There are 89 passages in this set so you’ll be set for the year!
Reading and Writing
16. Crack the Code Digital Literacy Center
Crack the Code Digital Literacy Center fits right in with #10 as it is another way to practice literacy through codes, however, this focuses more on reading words/comprehension and writing than sight words. Students have to ‘crack the code’ for the words at the top of each page. After that, they read the words and locate the picture with the corresponding items. Finally, they write a sentence about the picture, using the decoded words. Talk about engaging! Kids love this one because once again, they get to be code-breakers. I love it because they’re practicing so many essential literacy skills!
17. Digital Sequencing Activities
Digital Sequencing Activities really help my students who struggle with retelling the important parts of a story after reading. A truly no prep activity because it is digital, the Digital Sequencing Activities offer fourteen interactive sequencing mats where students read directions and match text to each picture with engaging topics such as ‘How to Make a Caramel Apple,’ and ‘How to Make Ice Cream with Snow.’ Additionally, the set includes nine sequencing stories where students drag and drop the appropriate text to each page, again with fun how-to topics. Save yourself time and paper with this one!
18. No Prep Monthly Mini-Books for the Year
This is a must-have for kindergarten classrooms and first-grade classrooms! This comprehensive set of resources includes not only the mini-books (five/month for a total of 60 mini-books!), but also twelve-monthly vocabulary cards that correspond to the monthly mini-books, five writing prompts per month, AND monthly sight word activities (twelve total). The kids love these because they get to keep the books and they love the topics. All you need to do is print and go! I do like to print the vocabulary cards on cardstock and laminate them so I can use them over and over.
19. Editable Name Activities for Kindergarten
It can’t get much more individual than name activities…making them the perfect addition to our discussion of no-prep activities perfect for individual centers. I loved working with my 4K kiddos on name activities. They get so excited when they see and recognize THEIR name. ? This set of activities would have made my life so much easier! Type each child’s name once and at the touch of a button, get twenty-five (!) individualized name activities. A few of my favorites from this set are the name art, play dough, paint, and obviously, the name crown (because everyone needs a crown sometimes).
20. Daily Editing Mats – Paper and Digital Center
Another digital, truly no-prep option for individual centers, Daily Editing Mats helps students work on that tricky skill of editing writing. This has always been a challenge for my first-grade students and daily editing has definitely helped. Kids will get practice with (separately) capitalization and punctuation, spelling, quotations, extra or missing words, and a mixed bag of mistakes which offers a great review and real-life situation for editing their own or someone else’s writing. There’s a handy editing checklist for student reference as well!
21. Write the Room Kindergarten and First Grade
Get your students out of their seats and moving around the room with Kindergarten and First Grade Write the Room. These come in grade-level sets full of skills related to that grade’s standards. Kids love them because of the cute graphics, they’re ‘hunting’ around the room for words, and get to move…which anyone knows is a need for the littles! They contain not only ELA skills and content, but also math! The kindergarten set has 10 ELA/10 math and the first-grade set has 29 ELA/28 math sets – covering skills (both grades) as well as vocabulary in first grade! You’ll definitely want to check this one out!
22. Digital Reading Comprehension Strips
Digital Reading Comprehension Strips come with 120 sentence strips – each strip with three sentences. Students need to read all three sentences and select the sentence that matches the picture. This is a non-threatening way to practice reading for hesitant readers since it is three sentences per strip and offers variety for all students (and my dad always said, ‘Variety is the spice of life.’). Manipulating the pieces on the screen is easy since there is only one piece for each strip to move.
23. Reading Comprehension Passages for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Bundle
This HUGE bundle includes a year’s worth of themed fluency passages with Practically First (for Kinders who are reading, 1st graders who need more support), 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade for incredible flexibility with your students. If you don’t need such wide flexibility, you can also get each of these separately (Practically First, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade). Included with each set is 12 month’s worth of 10 passages each month for a total of 120 passages. That means for the big bundle, you get a total of 480 passages! Don’t worry, there’s a comprehension component for each passage as well with text-dependent and higher-level thinking questions. I know I always have what I need to meet the needs of my students with this bundle!
Alphabet and Letter Sounds
24. Alphabet Foldable Booklets
These must-have foldable mini-books are perfect for kindergarten. I love the built-in differentiation options – each mini-book has three versions! The first has traceable words that start with that letter, the second has a short sight word sentence including an object starting with that letter, and the third has two coordinating sentences including objects starting with that letter. I can use these with different students to meet them where they’re at and keep them moving as well as use them to spiral back to that letter multiple times a year and/or in different settings throughout the week (independent vs small group). Students love to ‘collect them all!’
25. Alphabet Printables
This set of Alphabet Printables is perfect for 4K or K classrooms as you are introducing each letter/letter sound. The structure stays the same and the letter changes so students can become truly independent at this activity, even in 4K! Each printable has color the letters, upper and lowercase handwriting practice, upper and lowercase letter recognition, beginning sound identification through coloring objects, and a full keyboard to identify each letter. This offers a great, systematic way to work through introducing each new letter and is fun for students.
26. Alphabet Crowns
Just print these no-prep activities perfect for individual centers…and please keep them individual so we don’t have lice outbreaks! Do I really need to say much here? I mean…crowns. Yes. All the crowns. Give me all the crowns. My students love them, probably because I’m so obsessed! Perfect for 4K and K classrooms, these alphabet crowns have six pictures of objects with that beginning letter (4 that they can write the name for), upper and lowercase letter formation practice, upper and lowercase letter identification, and fine motor with coloring and cutting. Just imagine all the littles in their crowns… ?
27. Alphabet Dot Art Activities
Dot art is a great way to get in some fine motor work and is engaging for students! The fact that they’re learning their alphabet is a bonus with this one. Each alphabet page comes with letter formation practice to dot, a beginning sound picture to dot, the letter in a variety of fonts (upper and lowercase), and five beginning sound pictures to glue onto said letters. Get out your q-tips and art smocks and get started!
28. Beginning Sounds: No Prep Printables
Beginning Sounds: No Prep Printables includes 24 beginning sound mats and is perfect for an individual center to practice beginning sounds/phonemic awareness. Kindergarteners will benefit from this center, as well as some 4K and first-grade students. Each mat has 10 pictures, the word ending, and the student needs to fill in the beginning sound, then rewrite the word neatly below.
29. Color By…Activities
These Color By…Activities currently have a winter and spring set (K/1, 2/3) and are a huge hit! They are made for K-3 students and cover both math and literacy skills and content and are perfect stress relievers, fine motor practice, and content practice. My students LOVE color by activities. The winter set has 12 math and 12 ELA, the spring sets have 10 math and 10 ELA per grade per bundle (K/1 has 40 total, same for 2/3). These cover content that my students need to review and this offers such an engaging way to do it!
30. 1:1 Centers for Individual Use Bundle
We can’t mention no-prep activities perfect for individual centers without talking about 1:1 Centers for Individual Use…and this bundle has them all – for math and literacy! Whether it is pattern blocks, counting bears, bingo daubers/chips, counting cubes, counters, or dice, these individual centers are sure to please even the most discerning student. They’re perfect for Kinders and First Grade and have multiple unique mats per set and per activity (dice – 17 activities, pattern blocks – 12 activities, bingo daubers/chips – 8 activities, counters – 8 activities, cubes – 14 activities, bears – 19 activities). Each set can also be purchased separately if you are only interested in one or two (Dice, Pattern Blocks, Bingo Daubers/Chips, Counters, Cubes, and Bears). I love them because they’re super easy to prep and the students love them because they get to use the manipulatives they love!
31. Writing Numbers 1-20
These are a great center for students as they’re being introduced to the numbers 1-20 or as a review. Each number/sheet has number tracing, count and color, a number sentence, place value, number identification, even/odd, tally marks, ten frames, and a number line – covering all the bases of what your students need to know as they’re learning their numbers and number sense!
32. No Prep Number Booklets
Once students know how to complete these, they can do so independently. These remind me of the phonics booklets (#2), but for numbers. They have everything you need on one double-sided sheet of paper that folds into a cute little booklet for numbers 1-20. Each booklet has number art, handwriting, a number story, tally marks, ten frames, before and after, dominoes, cubes, even/odd, a number line, dice, number bond, number identification, and a 1-20 chart. The sheer number of activities included on this one-pager keeps them engaged and covers all the math I could ever want as I introduce and review numbers 1-20.
There you have it. 32 of my favorite no-prep activities perfect for individual centers. What are your favorites? Do you prefer individual centers or group centers? Let me know below!
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