FREE “Once Upon a STEM” Story, Journal, and Challenge!


If you stumbled across this post, something about having a story with your Stem Challenges excited you! I can’t wait to share a free stem story with you! First, I want to share a little bit about once upon a STEM. [Scroll down for free Stem Story Challenge]

Once Upon a STEM features TEN challenges you can do with your class?

I made a visual for each challenge just for you so you could see exactly what you will get with Once Upon a Stem! This resource is steeply discounted when you choose the bundle! ($30.00 $20.00) 

Why Once Upon a STEM?

Creating a really great STEM resource doesn’t happen overnight.  I learned, over the past year, that it takes what seems like endless days of hard work and determination to provide a great STEM resource for primary teachers.  As the STEM club coordinator, I always struggled with getting my kids excited about the challenges they did each week.  Not only did I notice I had a hard time getting my students excited, I noticed a huge lack of resources for them.  Of course my teacher manual was HUNDREDS of pages. Inadequate resources that left me looking for more activities for my kids to do.  I needed more. I needed books, extension activities, and guiding questions that didn’t seem like a scavenger hunt to find. I needed parent connection ideas and suggested websites for my students to visit at home.

And so, I created “Once Upon a STEM!”

What each of the 10 STEM Story Challenges Will Have:
3 Illustrated Stories of Varying Difficulty for Differentiation
• Teacher Guide
(Challenge Question, Coordinating Books Suggestions, Materials Suggestions, Questions/Accessing Prior Knowledge Suggestions, What to do Before/During/After)
• Vocabulary Cards
• Rubric
• Journal
(Challenge Question, Vocabulary Words, Materials Listed, Planning Tools, Writing Activity, Math Problem, and an Extension Activity)

[Click here to get “Once Upon a STEM” on TPT now]

Roller Coaster Challenge

Roller Coaster Stem Story Challenge

Jellybean Structure Challenge

Jellybean Structures Stem Story Challenge

Building Tall Towers Challenge

Building Tall Towers Stem Story Challenge

Index Card Structures Challenge

Index Card Structures Stem Story Challenge

Paper Plate Maze Challenge

Paper Plate Maze Stem Story Challenge

Making Launchers Challenge

Making Launchers Stem Story Challenge

Spaghetti Structures Challenge

Spaghetti Structures Stem Story Challenge

Making a Harmonica Challenge

Making a Harmonica Stem Story Challenge

Light Circuits Challenge

Light Circuits Stem Story Challenge

Free Paper Airplane Stem Story Challenge #1:

[Click HERE to get this now]

FREE Paper Airplanes Stem Story Challenge

Enjoy this amazing resource! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

At Education to the Core, we provide done-for-you curriculum that is simple, fun, and effective! We want you to be the very best teacher you can be, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. We believe that in order to be an effective educator, you have to take care of you first! We strive to make a healthy work-life balance a reality for you each and every day.If you enjoyed this blog post, be sure to join my email list to get exclusive FREEBIES, exclusive content, updates, deals!

Free Paper Airplanes Challenge


Welcome! I’m Emily, Founder of Education to the Core. We are all about helping K-2 teachers by providing unlimited access to affordable printables for every subject area.