Hilarious Teacher Moments in Distance Learning


Lately I find myself feeling overly stressed, depressed, and unsure whether what I am doing is working for my students.  Distance, hybrid, and face-to-face learning right now is not enjoyable for most of us.  But, negative aside, we have found some really funny stories to share that will put a smile on your face.  Here are Hilarious Teacher Moments From Distance Learning.

“We did a scavenger hunt and one of my Pre-K students cane running back with his underwear!! He said, “these are my chonies!” It was hilarious! His mom was so embarrassed.” ~ Dona S.

“While in a teacher meeting before school, after discussing what distractions the students are having, I holler at my own kids to see if they are ready for school…mic on for all to hear. So many moving pieces all day long. We are all distracted by our environments.” ~ Katie E-H.

“Sorry this is kinda gross but my daughter had quietly asked me to make my dad leave the room while she was going into a live connect session. I asked her why he had to leave since he was taking a nap in the kitchen/school room.  My daughter explained that the last time my dad was in the room, he farted and she knows that the teacher heard it.” ~ Monica F.

“How about a huge Galveston tree roach crossed my foot during one period and desktop during another while I was teaching remotely from school this week?? The kids saw and heard me scream and beat my desk with some manual.. (It was quick — roach got away both times…)” ~ Nina W.

“Last spring we used Zoom. This fall we switched to Teams. I’m a specialist so I didnt run my own room until testing time. I didn’t realize that in Teams I had to change the default settings to block the controls. I had kids drawing on my whiteboard, muting each other and me, and kicking other kids and me off the meeting. While parents and another coach were watching.?” ~ Margaret C.

“This photo was snapped by my sons first grade teacher. ? We had sparkling grape juice on our lunch break that day. I failed to appreciate the importance of collecting our glasses before the kids resumed their virtual learning. ?” ~ Tabitha M-K.

“9th grader on Teams playing in a Call of Duty tourney, turning his mic on intentionally and yelling at people. It got to the point that even the kids were telling him to stop being disrespectful, and I got several apologies from the kids for his behavior.” ~ Lisa M.

“During a really fun & cool beginning to my middle school “college color days” I was showing a short video of my college … I knew I was going to get sick to my stomach, barely made it to the kitchen sink a few feet away… realizing that my mic was NOT MUTED!!!!” ~ Barbara M.

“The power went out in our area so the kids who were still on started show and tell with their pets. I came back on to a class full of dogs and cats!” ~ Tammy G.

“One of my students told her mom that “school” was awful.  Everyone left her Google Meet to go-to the bathroom, including her teacher! ?? Promise I was there the whole time and the only student I saw disappear away from the screen was her!!” ~ Emily C.

“In the middle of a meeting my microphone died and I didn’t know it so I thought the students were just being funny when they told me “I can’t hear you” figured the microphone out and during the last meeting of the day our internet went down district wise. Thank goodness it was Friday afternoon so they have the weekend to get us up again.” ~ Bonnie C.

“Doing some math review, I overheard a parent whispering the answers to her son…” ~ Glenna A.

“My dog got out and went after the mailman and a student saw the whole thing as I ran off camera and outside to see me get the dog back from the window ????” Kealy B. 

“I had a student who texted, called, dojo messaged, and google classroom messaged repeatedly to be sure she didn’t miss our zoom. She even reminded her friends…then she didn’t show up.” ~ Deidria E.

“I was in kindergarten yesterday, getting them set up in the specialists google classrooms, and I go over to one and he’s in the process of making it translate into German! Thank goodness I got him off that page quickly! Lol” ~ Wendy B.

“Not funny, but a child unmuted and mom was cursing up a storm. My teammate had a dad standing in the background in his underwear oblivious to the camera.” ~ Alison S.

“I teach college classes on Zoom, so the only interesting thing I have to report is a student who had her snake around her neck during class. It kept flicking its tongue at me, lol.” ~ Dana R.

“My 79 year old mother in law came and sat next to me and peered closely at the screen during my English lesson with year 5 ?Another time 2 of our chickens hopped up onto the window sill behind me (outside obviously ?).. The kids thought it was hilarious!” Simone C.

“One of the dads was running around in boxers and a white undershirt. We asked the son if his dad knew he was on camera. Dad claimed he was wearing shorts but I have not seen that color plaid in shorts for a very long time. ?” ~ Erin Y-H. 

“One of my students sat there during my lesson the other day, eating chicken wings ???‍♀️ I was only agitated with him because it made me want some chicken wings!! At the same time I had another kid wrestling his brother on the couch and one telling me to “smell my crayon box, it smells like rainbows.” Teaching K-1 virtually is going great in case anyone was wondering. ?” ~ Becky C. 

“I moved my monitor down on its mobile stand and somehow lost video and audio. When it can back, it was glitchy and the kinders decided I looked like Minecraft. It was great to hear them giggle! They’d been listening and watching for so long.” ~ Wendy C-H.

“When beginning to present a district approved video via YouTube, the commercial that played was slightly inappropriate ? *Saved by my quick reflexes to pause and mute*.” ~ Nancy E.

“I told my students to turn off their video, take a 5 minute break to go to the bathroom, eat a snack, walk around their house, my video was off and I was drinking my coffee. They came back in less than a minute, thought that I wasn’t there, their conversations! Kids are funny, they were talking about who wants to be a youtuber and they look so happy to come back. If the internet helps, everything will be fine.” ~ Maria M.

“While teaching 2nd on Zoom my 7 year old grandson brings me my 8 month granddaughter with poop up her entire back…. all in front of the camera. Kids start laughing. Had to pause class to change a dirty diaper. Upon resuming, little girl asked if I washed my hands before coming back to Zoom. Made all of our day.” ~ Misty C.

“While my son was doing a virtual scavenger hunt he was supposed to find three things starting with the first letter of his name. So he found jello, jeans and my daughter brought him some toy handcuffs that he could use for “jail”. Some parent called in a complaint on me because those were inappropriate. Calm down Karen they weren’t mine!!” ~ Brandy H.

“I was distracted by another student who was running around their room playing during my live meeting. Another student was telling me his number sentence and he said 2 and 2 was 3 and I said that’s right 2 and 2 is 3… and he said I mean 4 ??. Then I realized I confirmed his wrong answer and all my parents were listening! ” ~ Chris B.

“I use go guardian to monitor my students during class. It was time to come back from lunch and I see my student watching a music video. I close her tab and open the tab for my google classroom that has our meeting link. She closes that tab and repopens youtube. i close her tab again. i see her open a google doc, turn on voice typing and proceeds to message me because she knows i’m watching that she’ll be on in a minute .. then she reopened YouTube lol.” ~ Mandy S.

“Dog got in the trash can and ran through dragging it with hubby chasing right behind. Also, I stood up to write on the chart and when I turned around my cat was sitting on the keyboard with his head right up to the camera… Ahh pets.” ~ Julie W.

“I actually unplugged my WiFi router. I needed an outlet to charge my laptop.” ~ Melissa K-S.

“A bird flying in my window while I taught German… I ran around the room screaming and trying to get it to fly back out… and was the subject of a few snapchat stories after that.” ?? ~ Annette M. 

“I got a comment that they couldn’t get in Brain poop!!! Made my day – it’s BrainPop!” ~ Lucy P-C.

“We working out an order of operations problem in a Google Meet. We got to the last step and I said so “can someone tell me what is 16-3?” The amazon dot on my desk said Well 16-3…. I turned and said “I didn’t ask you Alexa.” ~ Ashley S-M.

“And I keep on muting and unmuting my mic to shout at my family to keep quiet.. ? and sometimes camera when my dog starts licking my laptop. ?” ~ Roshni J.

“I had an older sibling drop “colorful” comment while a mic was unmuted. Good times!” ~ Barbara C-H.

“I watched a kinder dig in his nose with a tissue, then ate the tissue.” ~ Debra M.

“My 6 year old son decided to paint his toenails blue during a zoom mtg.” ~ Erin M.

“I had a student drinking her orange juice out of a champagne glass the first week… pinky up too!” ~ Heather W-C.

“I’ve had the experience where I’m teaching and ask a question and no one is answering, I then get a student unmute themself and say, “Mrs. Cervone you’re muted.”, or had the custodian come in and I say something to her in spanish and I’ll hear a student say she’s talking Spanish. Have to make sure and be aware of when to mute and when to unmute. ??‍♀️??‍♀️?” ~ Norma C. 

“When you are the teacher holding a zoom class, and your daughter (who is upstairs) is in your class and she is not in class because “she forgot” and you have tp yell upstairs DURING your zoom meeting to have her attend your math class.” ~ Kristen S.

“I have 2 grandkids in the same grade, in several of the same classes. Only one computer was cooperating so I made them sit side by side in their Zoom meeting. Got a call from the school stating they were both absent. ??” ~ Debby G.

“I am home and while in a zoom faculty meeting with my principal and superintendent my cat decides this would be the perfect time to sit behind me and my dog thinks she needs to get in on the action.??” ~ Diane D.

“I was teaching my 4th grade class, my daughter is on her computer working on her PE lesson, jogging in place to music, my 20 year old is “working out” on his Nintendo Switch Ring video game, my 17 year old and his girlfriend are making macaroni and cheese in the kitchen, my 14 year old is in his room on lockdown because he has been quarantined from school due to exposure and he is yelling at me for help with his school work, all while my dogs are barking because someone was at the door. Crazy Friday for sure!!!!! ??? My husband is working on my she shed, so so I can set it up as my classroom/office. ?” ~ Pamela R.

“When you are on a staff google meet (thank God) not with students and they all start laughing but you are not sure why…. Turn around to see my dog putting on a show!” ~ Steph L.

“I was on Zoom doing a screen share in Word showing 7th grade students how-to use transitional words and phrases effectively when I pressed the “s” twice instead of “d” to spell “To a##” instead of To add” well my students got a kick out of it and one said, “Miss, to a##, does that make sense?” I looked up ??. “Alrighty tighty, Ms. DeLaGuerra made a mistake, let’s fix that and move on.” ~ Marissa G.

“We have had the smoke detectors go off twice in my house during class because my kids were cooking in the kitchen during their lunch. Shut camera and mic off…checked on them, then back to my class with just the camera. Luckily, there was another teacher with me. ” ~ Linda L.

“My son is on his small group Zoom while I’m teaching live. He walked up behind me (thinking the class couldn’t see him) because he couldn’t find his math book. It was in a basket right next to him ???‍♀️” ~ Carla G.

I hope that you found these as funny as I did. ???  Most of our situations are not ideal, but hopefully through laughter and grace, we will make it out of this and continue to provide exceptional education to our students.  If you have a Hilarious Teacher Moment From Distance Learning, please share in the comments below.  I am always looking for a great “laugh out loud” moment. ?

~ Written By: Janessa Fletcher

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