Let’s Talk Teacher Motivation!


The struggle is REAL, my friends! I went seeking some teacher motivation! Why? Life has changed in many classrooms since March 2020, and for many, it is getting harder to put a smile on and show up each day! When I read some of the heartfelt posts in Fearless First Grade Teachers, my heart breaks. Where can teachers find the motivation these days to stay in the classroom? A member asked this question, and the other members showed up! I know the responses helped me refocus on some positives, so I hope they can help you, too! Let’s talk teacher motivation!

Teacher Motivation from the People

Whether it be from parents, a c0-worker, or administration, sometimes our boosts in motivation come from the people around us! Every teacher needs some besties (check out how to turn your co-workers into besties)!

–“Being able to support parents as they figure out what’s best for their kids.”–C. Mitchell

–“I also have an awesome grade team partner.”–T. Williams

–“My teaching partner!!”–C. Spendlove

–“…and my amazing co-workers.”–K. Webster

–“I have an amazing team that supports each other and makes the job so easy.”–L. Marie

–“I found a school that acknowledges I’m a human with a family too. It’s not perfect all the time but having that support is HUGE.”–S. Lyn

–“Having access to the best ETTC curriculum for a low monthly fee!”–S. Kelley–OK I know it wasn’t a comment from the Facebook post, but this statement is so true! Check out our Premium Membership!

Kids Provide the Teacher Motivation

So many people chose “the kids” as their primary motivation to work every day! But, some of the additional responses from these teachers melt me to the core.

–“The kiddos, when they have a breakthrough, is enough to get me through!”–A. Udebrock

–“How silly the kids can be! Love being able to laugh with them! Not every day is easy, but they’re so fun to be around. They make me feel like a kid again.”–K. Svng

–“I love working with children!”–L. Duboise

–“I have the most precious and sweetest babies EVER.”–P. Tracy

–“You can not beat the look on their faces when the switch flips. Worth everything.”–M. Solomon

–“Even on the toughest day, I can still see the light bulbs going off.”–K. McDowell

–“The kids. They are my WHY. To inspire them to grow up and change the world.”–C. Walls

And More About the Kids

–“Well, someone has to teach the children, and I love seeing their cute faces. Plus, I don’t want to do anything else.”–A. Hogate

–“Lot’s of work for us teachers to fill in, but rewarding nonetheless.”–K. Svng

–“I love the innocence, the AHA moments when they realize they get it, the hugs after you’ve been sick, and the love they give to you. Teaching is the most rewarding job.”–R. Hahn

–“First graders make so much growth so quickly! Exhausting but rewarding!”–R. Rye

–“Hearing my students tell me they are learning when I feel like I’m not doing enough.”–G. Del Bosque

–“Those little toots! I love them!”–A. Bolin

Higher Reasons for Teacher Motivation

I believe this one with everything in me! Some of us teachers received a calling to work with children, and we will follow that calling into retirement. Sometimes we need a reminder of what led us to teach in the first place!

–“I feel like it’s God’s calling for me.”–D. Graham

–“It’s definitely a calling for me, but to know how much the kids need me and I need them makes it all worthwhile.”–S. Ray

–“It’s a calling. I know it is where I am supposed to be.”–E. Melson

–“Making a difference in the lives of others!”–P. Piland

–“The kids and hoping I make somewhat of a difference in society, their lives, and the world!”–K. Williams

–“Sometimes, it may be filling them with love when not much love is given at home.”–K. Woolley

–“The difference I’m making in a child’s life–maybe not today, but somewhere down the line.”–B. Brady

–“The understanding that I may be the only stability in a child’s life.”–A. Langdon

–“The overwhelming love I have for these children. Many have experienced extreme trauma. I want to be the one positive constant in their lives and give them hope that they can succeed.”–J. Schmitz

–“I believe Jehovah led me here for a reason.”–B. Cohens

Benefits that Give Teacher Motivation

I work every summer, but I am not going to lie: Holiday and Spring Breaks are the best! The free coffee isn’t bad either!

–“Being tenured.”–J. Butanda

–“Retirement in ## of years.”–said by 25 teachers.

–“The insurance.”–said by six teachers.

–“I have bills to pay.” “My kids need a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.” Also, personal kids in college, house payments, loan forgiveness, and MONEY!

–“Summers off.”–M. Frise

And, Bring on the Unique Comments

Some of these comments make me giggle.

–“It’s the final countdown.”–V. Stanley

–“I am having a great time!”–M. Howell

–“Nothing. Nothing at all.”

–“Lack of opportunities.”–K. Rickart

–“It’s definitely not boring.”–M. Lamb

–“A big pay raise!!!”–K. Ellis–Many ask where this is at and how do we sign up?

–“Sometimes, I can’t believe they pay me for this!”–M. Maravilla

–“It still gives me joy! I do my job well, go home, and leave it at work.”–A. Montano-Rodriguez

–“So I have intelligent, kind, caring people in the world to take care of us when we are old.”–N. Lore

–“I apparently really love repeating myself all day long.”–M. Dunham

–“Because I love what I do every dang day.”–D. Reynolds

Did any of these comments ring true for you? Has this lifted your teacher motivation? I know that listening to other teachers always gives me a boost. Who else but fellow teachers understand our exhaustion, our struggles, the gifts we bring, and our students?  Thanks to our Fearless First Grade Teachers! Thank you to all of you teachers out there who are still showing up and giving teaching your all! We are all in this together!


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