Mentor teachers… without them, many of us probably would not have continued teaching. They were the ones who shared lesson plans and worksheet masters with us. Mentor teachers were there when we had a bad day or a difficult conversation with a parent. We felt supported and heard when we talked with them and knew that we weren’t alone, as they experienced many of the same things we did as new teachers.
During staff appreciation week, we are acknowledged by parents, administration, and the public at large, but let’s take a few moments to celebrate each other. If you have the chance this week, reach out to your mentor teacher(s) and let them know how much you appreciated everything they did to help you during your first year or two of teaching. ❤️ A few of our colleagues shared words of thanks for their mentor teachers because let’s face it… Mentor Teachers Rock!
No Mentor Teacher… No Problem
Before we move into why mentor teachers rock, some of you may not have had the opportunity to have a mentor teacher. Or are starting a job at a school that doesn’t utilize mentor teachers. No worries! Education to the Core wants to be your Mentor Teacher! ? Join one of our Fearless Facebook groups where you can ask questions, give advice, and share ideas. If you are a Kindergarten, First Grade, or Second Grade teacher, we have a group for you!
If you still want more tips, tricks, activity ideas, and freebies, then become a member of our Teaching Tiny Humans email course. You don’t have to do anything, just check and open your weekly email from us that will be jam-packed with ideas for you and your students. We promise you won’t regret making that choice.
And lastly, we want to make sure that you have every printable resource you need throughout the school year. Sign up for an Education to the Core Premium membership. You won’t need to wait for online education resource sales or spend hundreds on supplemental resources for your students. Start your subscription today and begin downloading and printing ? everything that you need for a great school year!
For more information on becoming a Teaching Trailblazer with Education to the Core, click here. ?
Mentor Teachers Rock because they… Set High Expectations
“Thank you for setting the bar so high and believing in me every step of the way! Thank you for letting me figure out the productive struggle, yet encouraging me when things were hard. ? I got hired into my district right after student teaching and got to work with her for 2 years before she got a job as principal in a neighboring district. Her teachers are beyond lucky, I know she is killing it as an admin now, but I do miss having her in our building!!” – Kaitlyn S.
Let us Teach and Learn by Doing
“I had 4 mentor teachers in my college experience and each was incredible. I would thank them for sharing their expertise and giving me a chance to teach and grow!” – Mary-Adele A.
“I’m glad that you let me try things that were not necessarily a part of your routine as I learned what worked and what didn’t.?” – Dana H.
“My mentor teacher let me do everything, including talking with parents. I was able to participate in duty, staff meetings, IEP meetings, as well as planning days, paperwork, and all of the other things that happen on top of planning and teaching.” – Stacey A.
They Model All Things Teaching
“Thank you AGAIN for showing me how to be a phenomenal teacher.” – Diane H.
“I had an AMAZING teacher take me under her wing. I’d say thank you for helping me with lesson plans, planning the day, ideas for behavior, and much more. She showed me how to be an amazing teacher.” – Tammie Y.
“You’re the best!!! The best cheerleader and source of information and instructional strategies.” – Emily A.
While you are working hard sharing resources and expertise with your mentee, let us help put those teaching resource materials into your hands in a more cost-effective way. Join the thousands of teachers who have decided to stop spending hundreds of dollars on teacher-created printables or saving for sales that only happen a few times each year.
Education to the Core has created a teacher printable resource membership subscription at an affordable price. Become a member of Education to the Core Premium and have access to thousands of printable primary resources. Just imagine how much easier your lesson planning will be. (And how thankful your wallet. ?)
Mentor Teachers Rock because they… Are Still Around to Support Me
“I’m glad we’re still friends 38 years later!” – Beverly L.
“Thank you for your unconditional support and encouragement.” – Laura E.
“Thank you! You prepared me so well and I am forever grateful. She’s still my BFF 20 years later.” – Monica M.
Left a Lasting Impression on Us as Educators
“35 years later and I am still utilizing the things she taught me. Developing relationships and loving students isn’t measured on a test score but it = good teaching.” – Colleen M.
“You were the best mentor a student teacher could possibly have.” – Tracey M.
“That she’s amazing in all that she does. I wouldn’t be the teacher or mother I am today without her.” – Amanda C.
“You have changed my life for the better. ” – Kimberlyn K.
“I feel like, if you can, you should reach out to them and let them know! I student taught during 9/11 and we went through so much together. Years later I reached out to her on FB and let her know how much my time with her meant to me. It was great to talk to her again!” – Megan G.
“I still find ways to use what she taught me. Truly had a profound impact. ” Lori G.
If you are currently a mentor teacher or have been a mentor teacher in the past, thank you for taking the extra time to help our new teachers. You have the ability to show them how to be an amazing educator. Take your gift and pass it on in hopes that our students will continue to receive the very best education we can give them.
For those of you who have mentees, Education to the Core would like to help you support them as well. We offer a yearlong email support group sending teachers tips, tricks, activity ideas, information, resource recommendations, and of course freebies! Get them set up for success this next year by having them sign up to receive these emails. Join our Teaching Tiny Humans group and start adding to their bag of strategies today.
Written by – Janessa Fletcher
At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.
If you enjoyed what we have to offer at ETTC, be sure to join our email list, so you won’t miss a beat. We are here to help with all your resource needs. Become a Premium Member of Education to the Core and receive immediate access to thousands of printable activities. For one small monthly or annual fee, everything ETTC can be at your fingertips all of the time.