Phonics Posters for Primary Students


Phonics Posters for Primary Students

First grade teachers know how important it can be to have visual cues in a classroom full of emergent readers.  I created these Phonics Posters because I wanted something that was versatile, adaptable, and student-friendly.

Phonics Posters for Primary Students

Each of these posters can be printed as full pages, half pages, or quarter pages.  You use these as a sound wall, visual cues, posters, and flash cards!

Each poster is offered in both black and white and color.  I have included the alphabet, blends, digraphs, diphthongs, long vowels, r-controlled vowels, trigraphs, short vowels, word families, and double consonants.

These Alphabet Posters are a Part of our Phonics / Sound Wall. These posters serve as great references for emergent readers!

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Click here to get a free copy of my Short Vowels Posters!

Short Vowels Posters Freebie

[Click here to purchase my Phonics Posters for your classroom!]

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