DIGITAL Phonics-Based Reading Passages for Google Classroom™/Slides™


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These DIGITAL Phonics-Based Reading Comprehension Passages were created for you to use in Google Classroom.
Below you will see the Phonics-Based Reading Passages included in this digital pack:
Short Vowels
Short A
-ad -am -ag -an -ap -at -ab
Short E
-ed -en -et
Short I
-id -ig -im -in -ip -it
Short O
-ob -og -op -ot
Short U
-ub -ug -um -un
Long Vowels
Long A
-ai -ay a_e
Long E
-ea -ee -ey -ie -y
Long I
-ie -i_e -y -igh
Long O
-o_e -oa -oe -ow
Long U
-ew u_e -ue
L Blends
bl cl fl gl pl sl
R Blends
br cr dr fr gr pr tr
S Blends
sc sk sl sm sn sp sl
R-Controlled Vowels
ar er ir or ur
sh th ch ph wh ck
Three Letter Blends
thr shr spl squ spr str scr
au aw oi oy ou oo ow (snow) ow (clown)
CCVC and CVCC Passages
Each passage includes 2 digital comprehension questions!
10 Reasons using Google Classroom Benefits Teachers and Students
1. Exposure to 21st Century Technology
2. Differentiate Instruction
3. Less Paper
4. No Lost Work
5. High Engagement
6. Self-Directed Learning
7. Effective and Efficient Communication
8. Cost Effective
9. Easier Planning
10. Less Time in the Copy Room
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1 review for DIGITAL Phonics-Based Reading Passages for Google Classroom™/Slides™

  1. Marcia bickford

    Can I look at a few sample passages closer up?

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