Teachers, it’s a new year! I can’t believe how quickly 2022 came and left (maybe that’s for the best though). As we begin this new year, I find myself sentimental. There’s something about the beginning of a new chapter that is so nostalgic, so refreshing, and so exciting! If you’re anything like me, you’re scrambling to write down those teacher new years resolutions.
I like to write all of my goals down and categorize them (I know, I’m type A), into different groups. My goals for teaching, my goals for finances, my goals for my relationships. Sometimes it’s to the point where I need to limit myself, take a step back, and really truly consider: what is doable this year? How can I become the best version of myself, without burning out and falling short?
Speaking of burning out… make 2023 the year that you say “buh-bye” to spending hours and hours planning and prepping lessons! Education to the Core Premium has over 14,000 no-prep activities for you. Do yourself a favor and become a member for just one week for $1.00 and see how easy it is to find resources for all of your teaching needs.
I’m not sure about you but not only do I love to create my own goals, but I love to hear what others are working on this year. I’m often inspired by what others aim to prioritize in the upcoming year. Hey, I might even add a few that I read this week to my own personal list ?.
As we aim to start off this year strong, let’s hear what teachers from our community are working on accomplishing this year!
Teacher New Year’s Resolutions 1. Work Goals
This year I learned that my identity can’t be wrapped up in my work. My identity is not in teaching. That is only one part of me. One thing I’d like to focus on this year is finding my identity in other things that I enjoy, so work can be work. There are so many other things to try and achieve in our professions! The list is endless.
“Not snap at administration. ” ~Tonya S.
“Set boundaries at work.” ~Amber W.
“To not let parents get me all worked up.“ ~Carol V.
“Survive the rest of the school year with minimal mental breakdowns.
“ ~Jennifer C.
“Assisting my struggling students to achieve a higher level. “ ~Jacquie M.
Check out our Leveled Reading Passages to help get your students to the next level!
“Make it through the rest of this school year, while controlling my stress level.” ~Heather M.
“Keep building relationships with students.” ~Shelly S.
“To be hired for next year.” ~Kerri K.
“To get all my students on level (math).” ~Jason J.
“To truly engage with them as individuals – not herding them like sheep.” ~Diana M.
2. Mental Health Goals
How we prioritize our mental health will look different for everyone. Though our individual needs vary from person to person, one thing remains true. Mental health matters. This is the year we prioritize it. This is the year we emphasize it.
“To leave the past in the past and focus on the positive for me and doing the best I can for my students.” ~Angela M.
“No more being taken advantage of by people who don’t matter.” ~Kendra F.
“To accept the things I cannot change with my best foot forward.” ~Janet A.
“To let all those who I love, know that they are loved and appreciated.”~Michelle P.
“To have an attitude of gratitude. One of our many family goals this year.” ~Shaime C.
“Be happy. Don’t give in to pressure that makes you feel less than.” ~Zechariah R.
“Always try to be the best person I can be, to deep breathe more, and to somehow find work-life balance.” ~Peggy Q.
3. Moving and Grooving
All of us have “movers and shakers” in our classrooms, the ones that just go go go all day! Sometimes I’d like to strap my Fitbit to one of their wrists and watch how many steps I can get in a day. Movement comes in all different shapes and sizes. What are your preferred types of movement? This year I need to prioritize stretching!
“Go for more nature walks.” ~Kim K.
“To meditate for 5 minutes in the morning and do 10 minutes of stretching in the evening. Keeping it simple! Got to start somewhere!” ~Laura M.
“Run 700 miles.” ~Lauren A.
“Run 1,000 miles and include strength training. Also, give eating healthy a shot.” ~Shelli B.
Teacher New Year’s Resolutions 4. Lifestyle Goals
#Lifestyle! What kind of lifestyle do you want for yourself? I always envy those who can get up and exercise before work. Or those who can meal prep for the whole week in advance. Slowly but surely I’m getting better, but I often need to remind myself that social media isn’t reality. The influencers we follow, the celebrities we look up to–it’s not realistic. If what you do works for you, don’t sway from success.
“Family first.” ~April T.
“Bed earlier.” ~Vanessa D.
“Eat more fruit and veggies.” ~Julie M.
“Drink 60 to 80 oz. water daily” ~Kristy O.
“Cook more at home and try new recipes.” ~Chloreia S.
“Get a system for packing my lunch.” ~Paige E.
5. Money Moves
Ah, the things that make the world go round. I never did like that phrase all that much. Everyone would like to be better at budgeting, saving, and investing…and then we see a “can’t miss sale”. Or get an email from Amazon. Or we see a Tiktok about Education to the Core’s Premium Membership. Can’t miss opportunities! I’ve come to learn that indulging in the things you love every once in a while is normal. Who knows, maybe some of us will get lucky and actually hit the lottery ?.
“To hit the lottery so I won’t have to work.” ~Kathleen C.
“Continue to grow my nutrition company during my teaching sabbatical.” Holly R.
“Pay off debt, set a budget, and stop stressing over other people’s happiness.” ~Briana T.
Teacher New Year’s Resolutions 6. Practical Goals
Again, I loop back to this idea of, what’s really practical. In December will I look back on my 20 new years goals I created in January and be disappointed? Probably. Sometimes less is more. I’ve noticed many people are straying away from specific new years goals, and instead focusing on one specific word to define their year. Like focus, boundaries, or consistency. Keeping things practical might be exactly what we need this year.
“Making healthier choices physically and mentally.” ~Sharon C.
“Survive!” ~Ann M.
“Make it through the next 6 months!! This has been a tough year!” ~Kelly H.
“Allow 20 minutes a day me time.” ~Dawn F.
“To make it to June” ~Patty B.
7. Personal Goals
There are so many cliche goals that half a million people want to accomplish. Everyone wants to eat healthier. We all want to get more sleep. Everyone wants to cut back on screen time. But what’s something that you want to accomplish this year that YOU can share with the world and say, “that’s right, I did that”. Something unique to who you are. Something meaningful to you.
“Start my master’s in curriculum and instruction!” ~Britani P.
“Read more for personal enjoyment. I read a lot during the summer but don’t make time during the year.” ~Tai K.
“I would like to learn Spanish fluently enough to communicate with my parents and students. A new student came right before break who doesn’t know any English, so I signed up for Duolingo and already started lessons.” ~Cindy L.
“Finish my doctoral degree.” ~Julie B.
“Only drink on the weekends.” ~Sarita W.
“Stay consistent on the new medication my doctor just gave me.” ~Sherri R.
Friends, take what you want, leave what you don’t need. And remember, a new year offers all of us a fresh start and a clean slate. I know that this year we will accomplish great things. I know that we will come out of 2023 stronger, more resilient, and more refined. 2023, we’re ready for you! What are some teacher new years resolutions that you have? Share them in the comments below.
Written by: Sarah Poquette
At Education to the Core, we exist to help our teachers build a stronger classroom as they connect with our community to find trusted, state-of-the-art resources designed by teachers for teachers. We aspire to be the world’s leading & most trusted community for educational resources for teachers. We improve the lives of every teacher and learner with the most comprehensive, reliable, and inclusive educational resources.
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