I have not 1, not 2, but 3 teacher bags that I am toting to and from school each day and on the weekends. Yes, that’s right: 3. It takes 3 bags to carry all my personal and work belongings between school and home. So hopefully, now you’re thinking, what’s in your teacher bag? Truth be told, somedays I am not sure what all makes it in my one bag. But, there are 25 must-haves that I have in one of my bags EVERY SINGLE DAY! I especially love # 9, # 11, and #12!
What’s in your bag? Self-care!
1. Hand Sanitizer–Teachers have known the importance of hand sanitizer forever! I love these that are refillable and on a keychain. And, I can take them everywhere!
2. Chapstick–Essential Oils in these tubes keep my lips hydrated!
3.Advil or Tylenol
4. Hand Lotion–so, my personal favorite right now is Gold Bond. Due to all of the hand sanitizing, my hands need intense moisture!
5. Antacids!
6. Band-aids!
What’s in your bag? Don’t leave home without these!
7. Snacks! Is this too much?
8. Phone and Charger–Never leave home without a charger!
9. Water bottle–I always remember my water bottle, but I never remember to drink out of it! Does anyone else have this problem? So, I really like this motivational water bottle:
What’s in your bag? Teacher addictions!
10. Highlighters–I always carry 3; a yellow one, a blue one, and an orange one.
11. Flair Pens–Ok, so this one could be just an addiction, but I LOVE my flair pens in every color! Because of this love, I buy them endlessly!
What’s in your bag? Everything but the kitchen sink!
12. Lunch Bag— This lunch bag keeps so much! And, it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold!
13. Tissues
14. Ink Pens–I am a pen snob, and once I find a pen brand that I like, it becomes my go-to pen. I also hate my pens getting swiped by my co-workers, so I always have a few cheap pens around for them to use!
15. Wireless Earbuds–I actually have this exact pair of earbuds and love them. They stay charged for so long. And, these earbuds are under 30 bucks!
16. Notebook–I take a notebook everywhere as my best ideas happen in the strangest places at the strangest times! Once, I remembered a great lesson in the dentist’s chair while getting my teeth cleaned. It was a brilliant idea that I had to jot down immediately. So, I hopped right out of the chair and wrote it down.
17. Gloves–Recess duty outside means wearing gloves sometimes fall through early spring because I hate having cold hands! But I lose gloves constantly, so I buy these magic gloves in bulk!
18. Chocolate
What’s in your bag? All of the odds and ends!
19. Deodorant
20. Hair Ties
21. Safety Pins
22. Brush and mirror
23. Travel Pack of Wipes
24. Post-its
25. Lint roller
So, I have now shared my list of 25 must-haves found in one of my teacher bags! Trust me when I say there are many more things found in my bags–gum, keys, wrappers, receipts, coins, reusable straw, etc. As you looked through this list of 25, were you able to relate? Tell us, what’s in your bag?
Written by: Suzanne Kelley
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